Location of Kerala
Main Attractions Include Beaches Backwater Boat Tours Nature Reserves India has a consumer class of 300mill, roughly the population of the USA
Air Deccan Flights
Boats dubaihotelkumarakom.com/boating.html
Economic Impacts Expanding tourism industry overruns local economies and destroys systems of livelihood Leads to unemployment and poverty Pollution of ecosystem by tourism causes destruction of local employment such as fishing and agriculture Finding other employment is difficult due to lack of skill and/or education
Local Fishermen on Kovalam Beach
In response to diminishing opportunities for employment and a desire for eco- friendly tourism, Keralites have been encouraged to establish homestays Because of input cost, this option if often only available to more affluent Keralites A homestay is like a bed and breakfast, run by a single family, in which the guest can stay for any amount of time The guest will experience the traditional life in Kerala as well as learning about the culture
Typical Homestay in Kerala
Environmental Impacts Tourism has brought massive crowds to once beautiful, isolated areas Kovalam Beach is an example of this, once the image of a perfect, undisturbed paradise, it has been overcrowded and polluted In overcrowded tourist areas such as Kovalam, groundwater is extracted at unsustainable rates, often from illegal sources This leads to a lack of drinking water for locals
Kovalam Beach
The backwaters of Kerala are becoming more polluted by tourism and increasing numbers of houseboats The tourist-popular houseboats are a main attraction in Kerala They produce a lot of pollution from their engines, and have no sewage system, so all waste products are emptied into the river There is growing concern over the negative impact that the houseboats have on the environment In response to this concern, solar panels have been installed on many houseboats to reduce pollution Waste-deposite facilities have been established to prevent wastes from being dumped into the river
Beautiful Backwaters of Kerala
Social Impacts of Tourism
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Immoral Activates
Waste Produced
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Tourism Jobs
Profits From Boat Travel