Greg Stabach and Kim Adams Rogue Valley Council of Governments January 21 st, 2015 Rogue TMDL Meeting
Presentation Overview Stormwater management overview and program context Monitoring program summary Resources Questions
Stormwater Runoff
Problems- Things we see
Stormwater Management Clean Water Act under the NPDES Phase II MS4 Program (Bear Creek) and/or TMDL Programs (Rogue Basin). Why stormwater management components were in 5-year plans. 1. Public Education and Outreach 2. Public Involvement and Participation 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 4. Construction Site Runoff Control (Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control) 5. Post Construction Runoff Control 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
Illicit Discharge Monitoring Program Under the Bear Creek TMDL Program Storm Drains and Hot Spot
Illicit Discharge Monitoring Dry Run First Flush Illicit discharge monitoring involves sampling storm drains three times annually in each DMA Dry weather– Evaluates contributions from existing water sources. Two storm events (flushes)—Evaluates contributions built up in the system.
Sample Sites
Sample Site Selection 16 sampling locations, plus QA/QC Sites. Based on discussions with local communities (public works and planning). Areas of high urbanization (drainage significant portions of the City/County), specific areas of interest. Can modify the sites annually as needed.
Adventures of stormdrain sampling Meandering Creeks Battle with blackberries
Adventures of stormdrain sampling Man holes Under a bridge culvert
Raccoon habitat expert
Parameters Monitored E. coli Turbidity Temperature pH Biological Oxygen Demand Conductivity Total Phosphorus Other - Total petroleum hydrocarbons in the diesel range (TPH-DxR)
Field Tests Conductivity and Temperature Turbidity
Laboratory Tests Biological Oxygen Demand E. coli
Water Quality Standards
Monitoring Results Results from the monitoring are used to evaluate the relative contribution of storm drain inputs to stream water quality. Used for additional investigations depending on results – additional system monitoring, referrals to local jurisdictions. On RVCOG Monitoring website -
Percent Exceedance by Sample Type for BOD, E. coli, and P
Resources Hot Spot Contact List Websites RVCOG Stormwater Stream Smart- Others – Stormwater Advisory Team (SWAT) Meetings 10:00-11:30 a.m.