Child trafficking, who are most affected, cause and the effects What has been done The campaign objectives and targets Why is it necessary Partners Call to action
Children are most affected with issue of trafficking. According to the Centre for Social Research (July 2008) ‘almost 500 to 1,500 women and children are trafficked within the borders of Malawi annually. Out of this figure, 30% are children aged between 14 to 18 years, and about 50 children are trafficked outside the country every year. child trafficking is melting down the economy of the country. Almost 30% of cases in court are on trafficking meaning that more resource will be drawn to that issue instead buying medicine in the hospital, or buy maize, education Communities are also affected because they do not feel safe D
This definition contains three elements: 1. Acts (recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons…) 2. Means used in committing such acts (by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person, having control over another person) 3. Purpose (for the purpose of exploitation [which] shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others…)
Poverty HIV and AIDS Harmful cultural practices Lack of comprehensive and appropriate legal framework on CH No national registration Gender based violence Increase market of sex tourism
leads to underdevelopment in Malawi due to loss of human capital It increase high illiteracy level due to high school drop out Melting down the economy as more resources are directed to trafficking cases. e.g Last year, the Government of Malawi recruited 400 child protection officers and 40 additional labour inspectors it undermines the safety and security create a high incidence of HIV and AIDS
Establish national steering committee of orphans and vulnerable children and national steering committee on child labour. Policies-MGDS, national action plan for promotion and protection of human rights, national gender policy, orphans and vulnerable children policy The MHRC Child Care Protection and Justice Act
To ensure that judges and magistrates enforce the human trafficking laws so that perpetrators human trafficking are punished properly. The targets are; Judges, Magistrates and the Police prosecutors. Children in 50 primary schools in 3 regions by 2014 understands human trafficking and are able to resist the attempts The target are; Children, Communities, School authorities, Primary Education advisor, District Education Manager and Minister of Education. To get a new law on human trafficking by 2014 that will deal with cross border traffickers The targets; Parents (community), Police Prosecutors, stakeholders, minister of justice and Member of parliament.
Almost every month there is a story on missing children or children who have be trafficked. They are a lot of cases at the court on child trafficking. According to the Centre for Social Research (July 2008) almost 500 to 1,500 women and children are trafficked within the borders of Malawi annually. Out of this figure, 30% are children aged between 14 to 18 years, and about 50 children are trafficked outside the country every year.
How the issue of child trafficking is melting down the economy of the country. Almost 30% of cases in court are on trafficking meaning that more resource will be drawn to that issue instead buying medicine in the hospital, or buy maize, education. Because many resources are drawn to issue of trafficking there will be shortage in supply of these basics needs. Increase in price of commodity because of the demand in supply.
It will affect the development of the communities since they will not feel safe. Children will not feel save to go to school this will result in having a community of illiterate children; they will not be free to go to their farm which will also affect the product
For cross border trafficking to end Malawi government needs to enact a law that deals with cross border issues of trafficking.. During the reporting period, police and immigration authorities investigated at least 38 suspected cases of trafficking, the majority of which were detected at border crossings and, thus, were difficult to distinguish from smuggling. Hence the need for government to come with a new law on human trafficking by 2014 that will deal with cross border traffickers since the new act does not deal with cross border issues. If this new law in enacted all the cases of cross border trafficking will be deal with and the perpetrators of trafficking will be punish properly.
The enactment of the new law will increase the growth in economy of the country. The children who were trafficked every year will play a big law in development since they will not be trafficked as they will be covered with the new law. Therefore the children will participate in the economy of the country. At the same time, the 30% economy that the country was loosing through child trafficking cases will be return and raises the economy of the country.
During this campaign I will work with the Police, Social Welfare Department, District Labour Offices, the judiciary, the media and CSOs such as the Salvation Army, the ECC, YONECO, FISD, World Vision, TANAD, EU Food Security Programme and YOCRIS. I intend to work with above organization because their work in issues of trafficking, some organization are already in the community and into the issue. They also have already existing structures in the communities
National and community radios Newspapers Traditional media-music and drama Television Social medial
1. In order to implement the policy, the children, communities, stakeholders and government need to coordinate to came up with the new law. 2. Children; 3. 1.Children need to report if they aspect a trafficker 4. 2.Children need to be responsible by not coerse by strangers stranger 5. communities 6. 1.Communities in border report on cross border trafficking to police 7. 2.Community leaders need to coordinate with the police 8. Police and Judiciary and Civil society organizations 9. 2.police prosecutors report to the judicial system on the absence of the cross border trafficking The civil society organization and judicial collaborate to advocate for the new law on cross border trafficking
Ministry of justice and the stakeholders 4.Assessing of the bill in terms of the evidence provide with the general public 5.Ministry of justice lobby for the bill and send the draft bill to the Minister of Justice Minister of Justice 6.The minister of Justice table the draft bill to parliament committee on justice for reviewing before presented to the whole house Members of parliament 7.-Members of parliament discuss the bill in detail bases on evidence 8.Parliament pass the bill and enact the bill into law President 9.The president sign the law into operational.
We fail to end trafficking; we fail the country’s e development Let us end trafficking to recover our economy. We all need to work together to end trafficking through the enforcement of already existing's laws and enactment of new law on cross border trafficking