Logistics & Supply Chain Logistics Component parts & Raw material In-process inventory Finished goods Supply Chain
Physical Distribution Creation of customer is task of mktg. Product availability leads to satisfaction To achieve this value adding generally have a distribution activity known as distribution system, traffic mgt., mktg. logistics, or physical distribution So it is a mktg. activity that concerns the handling & movement of goods
Physical Distribution It includes all those activities concerned with the efficient movement of goods from the place of production to the place of consumption It involves the handling of raw material fabricates parts, supplies & finished goods from producers to consumers via intermediaries
Physical Distribution William Stanton: Involves the mgt.of physical flow of products & establishments & operation of flow systems Philip Kotler: Involves planning, implementing, & controlling the physical flow of material & final goods from the point of origin of use to meet customer need at a profit
Objective of Physical Distribution Basically two broad objective 1. Attain customer satisfaction 2. Profit maximization 3. Getting the right product, at the right place, at the right time, in right quantity, at the right customer at the lower cost 4. Proper co-ordination of distribution acivities
Objective of Physical Distribution 5. To use powerful tool of competitive mktg. 6. To provide better service of lower prices 7. To increase profit margin
Objective of Physical Distribution –Meetings standards of customer service for Timeliness of order fulfillment Accuracy of order fulfillment –Reducing total distribution costs Inventory levels against warehousing costs Materials costs versus transportation costs Distribution costs against customer service standards Overall goal is to achieve the lowest total distribution cost compatible with the firm’s customer service objectives. –Reducing cycle (process completion) time Faster processes for increased customer service
Significance of Physical Distribution Creation if utilities: Place – Transportation Time – Warehousing ● Improved consumer service ● Cut in distribution cost ● Market share ● Price stabilization ● Play vital role where production location & markets are distanced
Cost of Physical Distribution Functions
Participants in physical distribution Supplier Manufacturer Intermediaries Wholesalers, Retailers Agents – Selling, Manufacturing, C & F etc.
Component functions of physical distribution Planning the overall physical distribution system In bound transport Receiving – Raw material, orders In plant warehousing Inventory management Order processing
Component functions of physical distribution Packaging Dispatch of goods Out bound transport Field warehousing Customer service
Components of physical distribution Order Processing –The receipt and transmission of sales order information Order entry Order handling Order delivery –Electronic data interchange A computerized means of integrating order processing with production, inventory, accounting, and transportation
Order processing Series of logical steps from receiving orders to dispatch – there should be a standard procedure for receiving the orders, handling orders, granting of credit, invoicing, dispatching, collecting the bills and post dispatch adjustments
Steps in order processing Communication of orders – Verbal or written Credit check Inventory check Order of dispatch Intimation to customer Dispatch of goods Collection of payments
Material Handling
Sub system of PDS Stands for movement & handling of goods Represents product handling from plant to warehouse & warehouse to place of loading An agent of cost reduction & improved customer service Reflects on efficiency & speed of warehousing operations Efficient & effective MHS contributes efficiency & effectiveness of total PDS
MH operations performed in following stages Unloading incoming material from transport vehicles Moving unloaded material to assigned warehouses Lifting the mat. from warehouses during order picking Moving the material for inspection & packing Loading packages/boxes to transport vehicles
MH Equipments & Systems Manual – Use of man power & animal Mechanised system – wheeled trolleys, forklift trucks, side loaders, mobile cranes, conveyors – wheel, roller, belt, chain Semiautomatic system – sorting device robotics
Storage (Location) Balancing act
Warehousing An act of storing and assorting the finished goods so as to create maximum time utility at minimum cost Sub function – Storage, movement, assorting, hold, consolidation, break bulk, packing,
Advantage of Warehousing Serves as safeguard Make provision for unloading Serves economically at lower prices Helps in determining the channel of distribution Assist in maintaining continuous sales Balancing demand & supply Stabilizing prices Reduces need for instant transportation