CRSX plug-in development
Prerequisites Software and Libraries Eclipse RCP (3.5 or higher) –Go –Select “Download” –Select “Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers” –Download an eclipse archive file. –Uncompress the eclipse archive file. Jar file of CRSX –Go –Select “Download” –Download an archive file –Extract crsx.jar from the archive file Jar files of Antlr –Go –Download antlr-runtime jar –Download antlr jar
Register CRSX CVS server to eclipse Start eclipse RCP Open “CVS Repository Exploring” perspective Add new location –Connection type: extssh –Host: –Repository path: /cvsroot/crsx/
Check out projects Start eclipse Open “CVS repository exploring” perspective Expand crsx location, Head, crsx-eclipse-plug- in Check out “crsx-feature” project Check out “crsx-plugin” project Check out “crsx-update- site” project
Jar Files Start eclipse Set the following jar files to “lib” directory in “crsx-plugin” project –crsx.jar –antlr-runtime jar –antlr jar
Create jar file for the eclipse plug-in Double click the “plugin.xml” in “crsx-plugin” project (Or open with “Plug-in Manifest Editor”) Select “Overview” tab Click “Export Wizard” link in “Exporting” section Set Directory path in “Destination” tab in “Export” dialog Click “Options” tab in “Export” dialog Select “Use class files compiled in the workspace” Click “Finish” button at the bottom of the dialog
Update plug-in version, and Upload jar for network installation Open “plugin.xml” in “crsx-plugin” project Click “Overview” tab, and fill the version number in “Version” text box in “General Information” section Export jar file of “crsx-plugin” project Open “feature.xml” in “crsx-feature” Click “Overview” tab, and fill the version number in “Version” text box in “General Information” section Click “Plug-ins” tab, and fill the version number in “Version” text box in “Plug-in Details” section Open “site.xml” in “crsx-update-site” project Select “net.sf.crsx.eclipse.plugin.category” in “Managing the Site” section Click “Add Feature” button Select “net.sf.crsx.eclipse.feature(x.x.x)” in “Feature Selection” dialog Click “Build All” button Go to the “crsx-update-site” with linux terminal –$rm plugins/net.sf.crsx.ruleEditor_ jar –$ cp../crsx-plugin/build/build/net.sf.crsx.ruleEditor_ jar.plugin/ –$ chmod +x –$ USERNAME The plug-in jar file created by update-site project is broken if the source code include multi byte character. So we have to replace it manually by plug-in jar created by the plug-in project
Start another eclipse with plug-in Right click the “crsx- plugin” project Select “Run As” Select “Eclipse Application”
Constant Values net.sf.crsx.eclipseplugin.Constants –Characters and String values which are shared with many classes are in this class
User preference CRSXRuleEditorPreferencePage –This class provides user level configurations. –Currently the following two items can be configured by uses Allow eclipse plug-in to invoke CRSX or not List-based outline view, or nested outline view by rule name
Rule Editor CRSRuleEditor –Core implementation of rule editor. This class reads and write files CRSRulePartitionScanner –This class splits rule file into some areas such as comment, embedded token CRSRuleScanner –Highlighting syntax for crsx rule CRSRuleEmbeddedScanner –Highlighting syntax for embedded token CRSXCharacterPairMatcher –highlighting corresponding braces, brackets, and so on.
Communication between CRSX and plug-in CRSXInvokeUtil –This class is the gateway class between CRSX and plug-in. All classes in plug-in invokes CRSX via this class.
Outline CRSXOutlinePage –This class is the core implementation for outline view. –This class gets rule tree object from CRSXInvokeUtil
Iterative Rewriting DebugView –This class is core implementation for iterative rewriting. CRSXRunnerThread –Iterative rewriting is executed on a different thread from eclipse’s thread. ObjectSharingObserver –This class is for sharing rule tree, and term with plug- in and CRSX whith are in different threads