H ISTORY OF N EWSPAPER Periodical publication conveying news & comment on current events. Handwritten news-sheets were posted in public places in ancient Rome under such titles as Acta Diurna (Daily Events) around 59BC. The invention of printing facilitated the growth of newspapers. Papers printed from movable type started to appear in Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands in the first half of the 17th century. Daily CourantDaily Courant (launched in 1702) was the first regular daily newspaper published in England. 2 Source: "newspaper" World Encyclopedia. Philip's, Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 5 May 2009
N EWSPAPER & R ESEARCH Newspapers cover: Current events (financial, political or social) at local, national, regional or international level Feature articles that investigate particular topics ObituariesObituaries ( 訃聞 ) & biographical informationbiographical information Press releases – individuals, government or non- government organizations, companies, etc.companies Reviews – book, electronics, movie, music, restaurant, software, etc. 3
NEWS ARTICLES ARE USEFUL IN FINDING: Consumer information Facts & statistics: people/organizations/government /places/events Historical developments of social or political issues, etc. 4
W HERE & H OW TO F IND N EWS I NFORMATION ? Think about what you want (your needs): Currency Up-to-date or historical? Location Local (HK), national (China), regional (Asia Pacific) or international? Content A known article from a specific paper or articles on a particular topic? Subject focus Wall Street Journal : international & national news with a business and financial perspective. Financial Times : international business, finance, economic and political news 5
N EWS ON THE I NTERNET Cons: Online version ≠ print version Free registration (Washington Post) or paid subscription (South China Morning Post) may be required.Washington PostSouth China Morning Post Limited access to older articles (archives) Paid subscription or direct purchase (per article). Primitive search features. 6
N EWS ON THE I NTERNET Pros: News sites such as Google News, Yahoo! News, 明 報即時新聞 provide continuously updated news.Google NewsYahoo! News 明 報即時新聞 Receive news updates by or by subscribing to the site's feed ( )using a news aggregator (definition).news aggregatordefinition 7
N EWS AT T HE HKUST L IBRARY News sources may be in different formats: paper microform electronic Library Catalog: call number search for "newspaper" to get an alphabetical list of all the newspapers we subscribe to.newspaper Search news databases to find citations & abstracts (summaries), or full-text of news databases Advanced search features: consult database's own online help or guides compiled by the Libraryguides Search across different newspapers Archival articles available 8
S ELECTED N EWS D ATABASES Current – International LexisNexis Academic ~ 6,000 English language news sources: newspapers, news wires (electronic newsletters), magazines and broadcast transcripts. New York Times (1980- ), Economist (1975- ), South China Morning Post (1992- ), etc. ProQuest: U.S. National Newspaper Abstracts ProQuest: U.S. National Newspaper Abstracts (alumni e-resources) Full-text of New York Times (1980- ), USA Today (1997-) & Wall Street Journal (1984- ) (HK Central Library, City Hall Public Library) Global news and business information through Dow Jones Interactive and Reuters Business Briefing. 9
S ELECTED N EWS D ATABASES LexisNexis AcademicLexisNexis Academic News Search Location of terms Headline: article title Lead paragraphs: first few paragraphs Indexing: major concepts discussed in the document Byline: author Occurrence: how many times the term appear Connector AND: all terms must appear OR: any one or all of the terms can appear Within: how close the terms should appear (5 – 25 words apart, same sentence or paragraph) Wildcard ( ! ) : variant endings of the same root pollut ! gets pollut e, pollut ed, pollut ion, etc. 10
I N - CLASS E XERCISE 1 Suppose you are thinking of buying a Panasonic Lumix LX3 digital camera (Sony Ericsson C905 mobile phone, etc.), find the latest reviews on this product. News search: Location of the terms: anywhere, HL & LP or HL only Connectors: AND, OR, within…. How many times the search terms appear Source type Date range What does the review say about it (product features) ? Will you buy it? Why or why not? 11
I N - CLASS E XERCISE 2 Search for news about HSBC holdings Focus your search: Add additional keywords: profit!, china, etc. term variations: subprime/sub prime mortgage, Subject – company strategy, mergers & acquisitions, etc. What can you learn about this company from the news? Profit? Rating? Future plan/expansion? 12
S ELECTED N EWS D ATABASES Current – Local 電子剪報 = WiseNews 電子剪報 = WiseNews (1998- ) Full-text of local newspapers: South China Morning Post, The Standard, 蘋果日報,信報財經新聞,香港經濟日報,明報, 東方日報,星島日報,太陽報,大公報, etc. Also articles from selected local magazines, newspapers & magazines from China, Macau and Taiwan. Browse by categories WiseSearch 林尚義 生平 = 林尚義 and 生平 ( 活化 / 保育 ) 嘉咸街 = ( 活化 or 保育 ) and 嘉咸街 Location of terms: HL and content or HL only Proximity of terms: within sentence/paragraph/whole document Company Search Search options 13
S ELECTED N EWS D ATABASES Historical – International Archives - The New York TimesArchives - The New York Times [Open Access] Search for more than 15 million articles published from Limited preview of each article, PDFs available for purchase. Google News ArchivesGoogle News Archives [Open Access] Collection of historical archives from major newspapers & magazines. Search results include both free (such as BBC News & Time Magazine) and fee-based (such as Washington Post Archives & New York Times Archives) articles. 14
S ELECTED N EWS D ATABASES Historical – Local Old HK NewspapersOld HK Newspapers [Open Access] Use Internet Explorer HK Public Libraries' Multimedia Information System. Images of 11 HK newspapers published from 1853 to 1991: 香港工商日報、華僑日報、遐邇貫珍、香港華字日報、香港華 字晚報、大公報、 China Mail 、 Hong Kong Daily Press 、 Hong Kong Sunday Herald 、 Hong Kong Telegraph and Hong Kong Weekly Press. 15