Secondary ITE 1-year PGCE Pre course induction event June 2013
2 The aim of the session is for you to Consider the attributes required to be a teacher Become aware of the secondary ITE PGCE course requirements with regard to –the structure and content of the course –Teachers’ Standards –Modules and assessment of these Be aware of the support mechanisms Understand Education and the Popular Culture (RF) Make new friends …
Starter and ice breaker Stand in two rows facing each other – everyone must have a partner. In 30 seconds line 1 person will tell their partner something about themselves– When the whistle blows swap When the whistle blows again the top people in line 2 and bottom person in line 1 to move across and everyone else is to move one place! Repeat... When you meet up with your original partner stop! 3
Task 1: considering attributes needed to be a teacher Working in groups of 4 and using play dough, model what you consider are the professional attributes needed to be a teacher. (You have until the music stops to complete this task…) Demonstration and discussion of ideas
ASPIRE our vision is to develop trainees into teachers who are: Ambitious Student focussed Professional Inspiring and Innovative Reflective and Excellent practitioners 5
1 year secondary ITE PGCE Subjects (Core and School Direct) Business Education (14-19) – 7 core places Design Technology (11-16*) 11 core places Information & Communication Technology with Computer Science (11-18) 18 core places Mathematics (11-16*) 5 core and 5 School Direct places Music (11-16*) 9 core places Science (11-16*) – –with Biology – 3 core & 1 School Direct place –with Chemistry – 3 core & 2 School Direct places –with Physics – 2 core and 1 School Direct place *includes some post 16 enhancement and training both the University and school-led
Secondary ITE PGCE course requirements – structure and course outline Course OutlineOutline –36 weeks starting 16 Sept 2013 ending 20 June 2014 –School-led training (120 days) subject elements plus primary and post 16 experience –University - 60 days training (mixture of specialist subject based and generic whole course) Personal Tutor (normally subject coordinator) Usually three visits (one per term) including a final assessment moderation Access to an Academic Skills tutor and computing and library services and all student services and to subject specialist facilities and resources
School-led training Professional Mentor Subject Mentor (possibly a host teacher too) Approx 60% teaching Observation, team teaching, solo teaching, planning, curriculum development, etc Pastoral Work SEN / Inclusion work Extra Curricular work All supported by University Tutor support visits
Teachers’ Standards Web link and overview: / eringDownload/teachers%20standards.pdf
Secondary ITE PGCE course requirements – modules and assessment Six modules: DHS Practice of Teaching – induction (leading to a Summative Partnership Report and 1500 word reflection on Behaviour and standards evidence) DHS1220 subject audit* (equivalent to 4000 words) DHS Practice of Teaching- application (leading to a Summative Partnership Report and 1500 word on Assessment for/of Learning and standards evidence) DHS Practice of Teaching- consolidation (leading to a Summative Partnership Report and portfolio of evidence and reflection on the Teachers Standards) DMX6630 M level assignment on SEN and inclusion (alternative for Professional students – DHS4020) – portfolio and assignment DMX5130 M level assignment - Curriculum Package (alternative for Professional students – DHS1520) *this is started following the interview stage and is completed at the end of the course DHS2220 DHS3320 DHS4420 DHS4020 / DMX6630 DHS1220 DHS1520 / DMX5130 PGCE with QTS
Further examples of support mechanisms in place… Host teachers and other professionals in school Learning Resources and supportive planning documentation (for assignments and teaching needs) Writing frames and guidance for module assignments Mid-point reviews Course Cause for Concern processes to support students experiencing difficulties Expert tutors and technical support
12 Current Academic Staff Dr Lesley-Anne Pearson - Course Director and Partnership coordinator Neil Denby – BS coordinator and Admissions’ tutor Kate Morley – Maths coordinator Jayne Price – Head of Division (Schools) and Music coordinator Dr Rod Robertson - DT coordinator and ICT coordinator Dr Fiona Woodhouse – coordinator for science with biology, science with chemistry and science with physics Dr Roy Fisher: Head of Department for ITE
13 Support Staff Geraldine Allport – Course Administrator Keith Hartley – Music technician Martin Charlesworth – Science technician Chris Townsend – DT technician
Task 2: 10 minutes Split into subject groups (Business Studies, Design & Technology, ICT and computer science, Maths*, Music, Sciences*); Find out about each other including; name, where they are from, a subject specialist skill and one unusual point about each (keep the point clean please!). Come up with a subject area rap to present (in any way you like) your group (but not yourselves) to the whole audience! Tip: be as creative as possible (beat boxing a rhythm, actions, swapping parts)! *core and school direct
What next? Ensure all conditions are met (school visit, skills tests, proof of GCSE maths / English grade C, degree class as required) before the course start date Complete tasks found at: ew/ –ICT audit* –Online Safeguarding training*: – or –Online resilience tool: –Begin completing Pen Portrait (to be updated throughout the course) *to support you with the Pen Portrait and in your tutorials at the start of the course 15