1 Coping with Stress and Anxiety In Aviation Meteorology (AMT 220)
2 Anxiety? How How do you know when you are feeling anxious? What What do you think anxiety is?
3 Psychologist say: Anxiety is the perception of threat or expectation of future discomfort that arouses, alerts or otherwise activates the organism.
4 The problem with anxiety... When you become anxious you become Self-Focused When you become anxious you become Self-Focused When you are self-focused it distracts you from what you should be doing. When you are self-focused it distracts you from what you should be doing. If you are self-focused you ARE NOT test focused! If you are self-focused you ARE NOT test focused!
5 The ABC Model of Stress
6 The Cause of Stress? It is not the event it is Your beliefs about the event and Your self-talk!
7 Dealing with Anxiety A - the event A - the event –Change the event Problems: Problems: –Not very practical You have to take the Aviation Meteorology exam! You have to take the Aviation Meteorology exam!
8 Dealing with Anxiety B - Your beliefs B - Your beliefs –Become aware of “ self-sabotaging beliefs ” –Seek to changes those beliefs Problems: Problems: –This is a long term solution Today you can work on your “ self talk ” Today you can work on your “ self talk ”
9 Examples Class discussion Class discussion
10 Bandage Solutions Bandage solutions are solutions for dealing with anxiety THIS WEEK Bandage solutions are solutions for dealing with anxiety THIS WEEK –Give yourself permission to worry later –Consider the consequences later (NOT DURING THE EXAM).