1 Slide 1 Mapping the Soil of Africa New initiatives and preserving historical data resources Arwyn Jones European Commission Joint Research Centre Land Management & Natural Hazards Unit Ispra, Italy
2 Slide 2 The JRC within the EU Institutions Court of Auditors The European Parliament The Council of Ministers Committee of the Regions Court of Justice The European Commission (the ‘College’: 25 Commissioners) Economic and Social Committee SANCO... IRMM ITU IES IHCP IE IPSC IPTS SGELARGENTRENV JRC ….... RTD …... President Jose-Manuel Barroso Research Commissioner Janez Potočnik
3 Slide 3 Mission of the JRC “A research based, policy support Institution” … to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies … …the JRC functions as a centre of science and technology reference for the EU, independent of private and national interests…
4 Slide 4 JRC & SWALIM African Observatory – coordination framework for activities to support EU action in Africa Olivier Leo – Agriculture & Food Security Nic Hoepffner – Marine Andreas Brink - Terrestrial Ecosystems Arwyn Jones - Soil
5 Slide 5 The soil of Africa is a diverse and valuable resource that should be safeguarded. EU STS Importance of soil “What greater stupidity can be imagined than that of calling jewels, silver, and gold 'precious,' and earth and soil 'base'?” Gallileo
6 Slide 6 Digital Soil Mapping Soil Atlas of Africa Digital Soil Archive
7 Slide 7 GlobalSoilMap.net Digital Soil Mapping Bill Gates Foundation New approach for SOTER ? Soil and Terrain Database (SOTER) Programme Digital Soil Mapping
8 Slide 8 Soil Atlas of Africa 1 EC Joint Research Centre 2 ISRIC World Data Centre Soil, Wageningen, NL 3 FAO, Land & Water Rome – ROA Accra 4 Secretary General African Soil Science Society Luca Montanarella 1, Otto Spaargaren 1,2 Freddy Nachtergale 2, Lamourdia Thiombiano 3 Robert Zougmore 4
9 Slide 9 What is the aim of atlas? To raise awareness and to educate the general public, policy makers and soil scientists on the global perspective of soil in Africa
10 Slide 10 Audience and Goal High quality reference work on the soil of Africa Not aimed at soil scientists! Informative, easy to read, graphically stimulating Lead to better understanding and appreciation of the role of soil in our lives
11 Slide 11 Northern Circumpolar Soil Atlas European Commission
12 Slide 12 Participation African Soil Science Community Build on the knowledge and expertise of African specialists; To ensure that the product will be useful and relevant; To contribute to capacity building at individual and network levels. Soil Atlas of Africa was one of the recommendations of the 4th ASSS International Conference.
13 Slide 13 Questionnaire
15 Slide 15
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19 Slide 19 Mapping Soil Maps!…
20 Slide 20 Maps: Overview
21 Slide 21 Thank you for your attention!