T YPES OF C OMPUTERS Computer Technology Mrs. Seale
P ERSONAL C OMPUTER (PC) Designed for general use by a single person. PC Mac
D ESKTOP M ICROCOMPUTER Set up in a permanent location More power, storage, and versatility Less cost
L APTOP C OMPUTER Portable computer Integrates Monitor Keyboard Mouse Processor Memory Hard Drive Battery-Operated Also called notebook
N ETBOOK Smaller than traditional laptop Cheaper than laptop Less powerful
W ORKSTATION Desktop computer with enhanced capabilities Used for performing special tasks 3D Graphics Game Development Sound Editing
S UPERCOMPUTER Multiple high performance computers working in parallel as a single system. Used for highly calculation-intensive tasks Quantum Physics Weather Forecasting Climate research Molecular Modeling Physical Simulations
M AINFRAME (E NTERPRISE S ERVER ) Fill and entire room or a whole floor Simultaneously processes data for hundreds or thousands of users Needs to be reliable, secure, and centralized
S ERVER Optimized to provide services to other computers Uses a LAN (local area network). Powerful Processors Lots of Memory Large Hard Drives
P ERSONAL D IGITAL A SSISTANT (PDA) Flash Memory Touchscreen Technology Used as an appointment book, address book, calculator, and notepad Can be synchronized with personal microcomputer.