BURNOUT DEFINED burn·out noun \ ˈ b ə rn- ˌ au ̇ t\ : the condition of someone who has become very physically and emotionally tired after doing a difficult job for a long time. Burnout refers to a state of overwhelm, emotional listlessness and depression due to prolonged levels of high stress, usually related to excessive workplace or lifestyle demands. Exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration. A definition of Job burnout is to "exhaust your physical and mental resources...to wear out oneself by excessively striving to meet unrealistic expectations" (Brown, 1993).
BURNOUT While burnout isn’t a recognized clinical psychiatric or psychological disorder, there are some similar features between burnout and diagnosable conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders or mood disorders.
H IGHEST R ISK People at highest risk of burnout are those who feel a lack of control over their environment, have unclear expectations placed on them, receive little recognition, and lack social support, while having high performance expectations placed on them. (In other words, they feel like they're working a lot, with little reward, or there's no way to excel at their task, with no end in sight.)
B URNOUT CAN : Make you feel like everything is going wrong Cause distorted thinking: (Nothing ever turns out right) Make you more accident prone Make you more likely to make mistakes Make you take risks
B URNOUT S YMPTOMS Anger Dread of going to work Physical symptoms like headaches or fatigue Change in sleep patterns Loss of concentration Irritability Sadness/depression Loss of creativity Lack of motivation SYMPTOMSCAN RESULT IN
H OW TO A VOID BURNOUT Schedule regular social activities Follow a fitness plan Pursue a hobby Volunteer Make time for yourself
H OW TO A VOID B URNOUT Ask for help Make an escape list Embrace a morning ritual Stop making excuses Be accountable Laughter/humor
R EDUCE B URNOUT Don’t take work home Take regular breaks Take care of yourself As in: eat well and exercise Schedule relaxation time
R EDUCE B URNOUT Develop your time management skills Goal setting Meaning and purpose Talk about your feelings/ keep diary