Presenter: Stephanie Price Provisional Psychologist Preventing Burnout Presenter: Stephanie Price Provisional Psychologist
Burnout Burnout is a cognitive-emotional reaction to stress characterised by high levels of exhaustion resulting from the chronic demands made on a person’s resources (Raedeke & Smith, 2009). Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed and unable to meet constant demands. As the stress continues, you begin to lose the interest or motivation that led you to take on a certain role in the first place.
How Does This Apply To You? Demands on clinical hospital staff include: complex patient loads, long shifts, fast paced environments, emotional and physically demanding area. Anton Wildgans “What is to give light must endure burning”
What Leads To Burnout At Work? Feeling overwhelmed or overloaded Working in a role that is physically, mentally or emotionally demanding a lot of the time Feeling bored / not feeling sufficiently challenged Feeling under-appreciated Experiencing compassion fatigue over a long period
What Are Signs Of Burnout?
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Burnout?
Difference Between Stress And Burnout Characterized by over-engagement Characterized by disengagement Emotions are over-reactive Emotions are blunted Produces urgency and hyperactivity Produces helplessness and hopelessness Loss of energy Loss of motivation, ideals, and hope Leads to anxiety disorders Leads to detachment and depression Primary damage is physical Primary damage is emotional May kill you prematurely May make life seem not worth living Source: Stress and Burnout in Ministry
Compassion Fatigue Emotional, physical & spiritual exhaustion from witnessing and absorbing the problems and suffering of others. (Perry, 2010; Sabo, 2011). The stress that results from helping or wanting to help a suffering person Those with enormous capacity for empathy are most at risk It is often identified by others before being identified / admitted by the individual Skills, experience and longevity do not result in “immunity” to compassion fatigue
What Characterises Compassion Fatigue? Feeling of being overwhelmed Exhaustion Inability to focus Decrease in productivity Unhappiness Self-doubt Isolation Poor sleep Nightmares Low mood Irritability Anger Helplessness Confusion Loss of passion and enthusiasm
Barriers in Addressing Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Fear of being labelled weak or a whinger Fear it may affect employment or career prospects Believing that stress is a normal part of the role Not realising of how severe stress / fatigue has become Bargaining with oneself – “if I just make it through the next month, things should get easier” Unsure of options or supports available
Hidden Costs of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout Absenteeism / Lost time / Replacement staff / Added workload Impact on other staff Impact on individual health Interpersonal conflict at the workplace and grievances Low morale High Turnover, talent replacement Poor productivity Physical injuries and accidents The impact on resilience to manage critical incident stress
What Support Systems are in place at RCH? You’re Not Alone What Support Systems are in place at RCH?
Support: RCH has a range of internal and external support Access your line management or colleagues Peer Support Team (currently recruiting/start date: July TBC) AMA Victorian Doctors and counselling support/ Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Junior Medical Staff – Mentors HR Partners GP support – mental health care plans to see a psychologist through Medicare EAP – Davidson Trahaire Corpsych Phone: 1300 360 364 Lifeline: 13 11 14 SuicideLine: 1300 651 251
Self Care Strategies What are your self care strategies? Work on a self care plan. Here are some examples:
Summary Burn-out: prolonged and excessive stress. Compassion Fatigue: Steams from the need to help others whilst excluding our needs. Look out for the Signs and Symptoms Support Options (Speak up!) Self Care is vital. You are the best judge.