Natural Disasters By: Rose2, Rose13, Rose14, Rose21, Rose22, and Rose06
Our Essential Question How do natural disasters happen? How can we teach people to stay safe and help after they happen?
How does this problem effect the world ? Natural disasters happen everyday all over the world. People can get hurt or lose their homes.
How does this problem effect Melissa or Texas? We have tornadoes, floods, wildfires, and can have earthquakes. It’s uncommon to have earthquakes in Texas. Some parts of Texas have had really bad Hurricanes. People in Texas need to be prepared for any kind of natural disasters. Texas has more tornadoes than any other state.
What causes this problem? Earthquakes are caused by two plates rubbing together. The plates rub all the time, but sometimes one plate gets stuck and then when it breaks it causes an earthquake, Tsunamis are caused earthquakes under water. Wildfires are caused by lightning or accidents. Floods are caused by heavy rains overflowing rivers or snow melting. Sometimes it can be caused by ocean waves. Hurricanes are caused by storms over warm ocean waters that get together and start to move in a big circle. Tornadoes are caused by warm moist air running into cold dry air that makes storm clouds.
What can the local community do to help this problem? We can ask people to find places that are safe with no windows where they can go in tornadoes. We can ask people to find places that are safe with no windows where they can go in tornadoes. Show people how to duck and cover and keep them safe. Show people how to duck and cover and keep them safe. Put up signs to not live near rivers because it can flood. Put up signs to not live near rivers because it can flood. Help people in case of a natural disasters by helping them clean up and raise money for the homeless. Help people in case of a natural disasters by helping them clean up and raise money for the homeless. Show people how to make safety kits to prepare themselves for natural disasters. Show people how to make safety kits to prepare themselves for natural disasters.
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