Adams State University in partnership with RTG & Associates Provides Academic Recognition for Young Marines In the following areas: Community Service-Learning, Leadership, Character Education, Citizenship, Personal Financial Management, and History
College Credit awarded by Adams State University - state funded public university located in Alamosa, Colorado Up to 22 credits awarded towards ASU Associate’s Degree or transferable to college of choice in all states with consent of gaining institution (19 credits in Young Marines curriculum, and 3 in American History for special Veteran based research project) Initial ASU Transcript provided to student automatically – Recognize Young Marines educational experiences Prepare Young Marines for future academic objectives
Elevates academic recognition Provides competitive college admission status (Possible academic partnership programs with local community/junior colleges) Enhances Young Marines academic resume Lowers net student tuition costs Accelerates college degree completion Reinforces commitment to academic achievement Provides for a motivated Young Marines membership, and attracts high quality new members
19 of 29 credits to choose from (12 courses identified) Regionally Accredited Tuition only $60 per credit (no fees)
Core courses graded by Regt Staff/Mentors Optional courses graded by ASU/RTG Faculty American History (has special grading requirements – read syllabus for additional info – H.S. History Teacher or Guidance Counselor sign.) Regimental choice from 19 of 29 credits provided HIST 179 course – special credits (3), not part of 19 credits regimental option
Leadership Credit Map College Course Descriptions Your Local Curriculum
LEAD Health, Wellness, and PT – 2 credits LEAD 122 – Personal Financial Management – 2 credits FRESHMAN YEAR LEAD 138 – Community Service-Learning – 2 credits LEAD 120 – American Veterans-Profiles in Leadership – 3 credits SOPHOMORE YEAR LEAD 136 – Basic Leadership Experiences – 3 credits HGP 179 – Citizenship - 3 credits JUNIOR YEAR LEAD 134 – Military History Staff Ride – 3 credits HIST American History and Its Veterans, 1890 through Today – 3 credits SENIOR YEAR
YOUNG MARINE Anytime after completing a course, registers thru RTG website and pays Adam State University Registration quick and easy with ASU ASU always open Successful former Young Marines always eligible for enrollment with consent of Cadre/Mentor REGIMENTAL CADRE/MENTOR s student grade report to ASU professor of record On RTG Form All students on one grade report Instructor signed and dated PROFESSOR Reviews grade report and submits grades for college credit to Adam State University Free transcript provided automatically Additional transcripts available upon request
Banks/Credit Unions Support “Personal Finance” (NEFE) Courses Civic Leaders Sponsor Citizenship Courses Business Leaders Support Military Staff Rides Churches Sponsor Character Education Courses Local Area, State & National Grants – Scholarships Community Fundraising Partnership with Marine Corps League Alumni Networks
“RTG & Associate’s Leadership Credits Program is invaluable!” “Many of our college bound cadets are interested or already registered.” “…nothing but positive responses from parents.” “…adds an extra dimension to our JROTC program. “ “…helping students prepare for their future.” “Thank you for all of your help and for giving these students a head start.” Terry L. Webster, Lt. Col, USAF (retired) Senior Aerospace Science Instructor March, 2010
Bob Greene President/Founder Tel: Go to this link: