Molecular Spectrometry (UV and Visible) Part 1: Absorption
Instrument Evolution Beckman DU
Replaced prism with grating
Turner Spectrometer Spec 20 as well
Dual Beam High resolution Cary and Perkin-Elmer
PDA Hewlett Packard
Fiber Optic Probes Ocean Optics
Signal Expressions E out = Φ λ (Ω/4π) T m T s R λ G Φ λ = source spectral power (W/nm) T m = monochromator throughput (nm) T s = Sample transmittance R λ = Detector Responsivity (A/W) G = Gain of electronics (V/A)
Signal Expressions T m = (WH/A eff ) Δλ eff T op W= slit width (cm) H= slit height (cm) A eff = Effective area of source image (cm 2 ) Δλ eff = Effective bandwitdh of the monochromator (nm) T op = Transmittance of optics
Signal Expressions T s = e -εbc = E sam /E ref E ref = Output voltage for a blank E sam = Output voltage for sample
Signal Expressions A = -log (E sam /E ref ) = -log (T s ) = ε b c Notes: 1. Since UV-Vis absorbance bands are much wider than the mono- chromator bandwidth, Beer’s Law assumes that A does not depend on Δλ eff. 2. ε is wavelength dependent, but does not depend on any other instrumental parameter.
A = -log (E sam /E ref ) = -log (T s ) = ε b c
A = ε b c Design Cell to Maximize b
Deviations from Beer’s Law 1. Optical a) slit width b) wavelength selection c) stray radiation 2. Chemical a) high analyte concentration b) pH dependence c) mixtures
Deviations from Beer’s Law Slit Width
Deviations from Beer’s Law
Wavelength Selection
Deviations from Beer’s Law Stray Radiation Effect No Stray Light 10% Stray Light
Deviations from Beer’s Law High Analyte Concentrations
Deviations from Beer’s Law pH Dependence
Deviations from Beer’s Law Mixtures: Absorbance is Additive
Deviations from Beer’s Law Mixtures: Solve multiple equations!
Deviations from Beer’s Law Mixtures: When all else fails, Separate the mixture components
UV Absorbance Detector for HPLC
Final Note on UV-Vis Signals The Absorbance (Analytical Signal) does not depend on the magnitude of the source signal (except for the deviations discussed above). The Noise in the measurement often DOES depend on the source signal level.