Thursday, 4/14/04 Period 2 Random Far Side Comic of the Day Warm – Up 7-1 Estimating with Fractions Notes Practice Homework
Warm-Up Take a moment to write a paragraph in your journal writing about how you would explain to someone the process of estimating the numbers , 4.302, and to the nearest tenth. Take a moment to write a paragraph in your journal writing about how you would explain to someone the process of estimating the numbers , 4.302, and to the nearest tenth.
7.1 Estimating with Fractions Why would we want to know how to estimate fractions? Why would we want to know how to estimate fractions? - To quickly estimate the sum, difference, product, or quotient of an expression involving fractions or mixed numbers. When am I ever going to use this? When am I ever going to use this? - Approximating the amount of ingredients needed for a recipe - Estimating the amount of money you will make doing a job - Estimating the distance between two locations. - Any other ideas?
7.1 Estimating with Fractions To estimate the sum or difference of fractions … To estimate the sum or difference of fractions … Round each fraction to 0,, or 1, whichever is closest.
7.1 Estimating with Fractions How do you decide what to round to? How do you decide what to round to? ~ Drawing fraction models can help you decide how to round. Example A: 01 Is closest to 0,, or 1?
7.1 Estimating with Fractions Caution!!! It is deceiving what to round some fractions to, so it you ever have any doubt, draw the fraction models to help you!! Example B: ~ What would you round to? 0 1
7.1 Estimating with Fractions Another tricky example : ~ What would you round to? 0 1 Example C:
Activity Estimate these fractions to whichever is closest and place them in the appropriate column in the table below: Estimate these fractions to whichever is closest and place them in the appropriate column in the table below: Fractions Close to 0 Fractions Close 1/2 Fractions Close to 1
What about Mixed Numbers? We can follow a similar procedure for estimating mixed numbers… We can follow a similar procedure for estimating mixed numbers… Example D: ~ What would you round to? (a) 7 (b) 7 ½ (c) 8 (a) 7
Just one more minute!!! Take out your journals again and write a paragraph summarizing what you learned about estimating fractions and mixed numbers today. Take out your journals again and write a paragraph summarizing what you learned about estimating fractions and mixed numbers today.
Homework!!! Worksheet: Estimating with Fractions Worksheet: Estimating with Fractions