Medical Databases Practical Workshop February 2015 Heather Robb Academic Liaison Librarian
Learning outcomes This workshop will help you to: –plan a search strategy i.e. select key terms and assign Boolean operators –login to Ovid Online and select an appropriate database –search by subject heading and keyword –combine searches –find full-text articles both online and in print –get good marks for assignments!
Identifying search terms What are the advantages and disadvantages of screening in pregnancy for Down’s syndrome? P I C O
Identifying search terms What are the advantages and disadvantages of screening in pregnancy for Down’s syndrome? Patient/problem – risk of Down’s Intervention - screening Comparison - no screening/ diff types Outcome – choices?
Identifying search terms What are the advantages and disadvantages of screening in pregnancy for Down’s syndrome? Patient/problem – risk of Down’s Intervention - screening Comparison - no screening/ diff types Outcome – choices?
Synonyms and spellings think about other terms which mean the same i.e. synonyms, or related terms remember alternative spellings e.g. US vs British AND OR pregnancyscreeningDown’s syndrome pregnantteststrisomy 21 AND
Subject Headings aka MeSH in Medline feature of Medline & EMBASE terms automatically mapped to preferred subject headings using Ovid helps with synonyms and alternative spellings e.g. oestrogen maps to estrogen, cancer maps to neoplasms
Example screening in pregnancy for Down’s syndrome? 1.Subject Heading: Pregnancy 2.Subject Heading: Mass screening 3.Subject Heading: Down Syndrome 4.Combine 1 and 2 and 3
Subheadings aspects of a Subject Heading e.g. diagnosis, therapy, drug therapy, psychology, complications Down syndrome diagnosis
Limiters language age groups human publication type “clinical queries” filters e.g. qualitative and more
DEMO Finding articles on three parent IVF IVF maps to Fertilization In Vitro Show heading in tree and explode Include all subheadings Kw: three parent* OR three person Combine 2 concepts with AND 6 in Medline – re-run in EMBASE ConneXions – Newcastle – Ovid full-text links
Connexions Durham’s links to full-text Also has link to Newcastle University - Find It will need Newcastle campus ID & password Don’t take “No access” as final answer Open Durham Library Catalogue to check journal title
Hands-on open Library home page www:// www:// follow instructions in the handout Support page with presentation & handout at Subject information | Medicine | Information skills training | Year 1 Databases
Remember… We don’t have subscriptions to all the journals covered by these databases You have access to Newcastle’s e-resources via LSE ID & password Use our Document Delivery Service to get key articles which are not in Durham or Newcastle - £3.50 per requestDocument Delivery Service
Citing references Cite Them Right Online (2013) wide range of examples in Harvard and Vancouver referencing styles Citing Medicine, 2 nd ed (2007) Comprehensive guide to Vancouver style from the U.S. National Library of Medicine