Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013 ICT standardization framework in Viet Nam and participation in ITU Nguyen Thi Khanh Thuan, Ministry of Information and Communications - MIC, Viet Nam ITU Workshop on “Bridging the Standardization Gap” (Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013)
2 1. ICT Development in Viet Nam 2. ICT Standardization Framework 3. Viet Nam ‘s Participation in ITU 4. Proposals for ITU CONTENT Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013
3 1. ICT Development in Viet Nam: Overview 5 fixed telecom operators & 6 mobile operators 131 millions mobile subscribers, 142 mobile telephone/ 100 inhabitants 8.8 millions fixed subscribers, 10 fixed telephone/ 100 inhabitants Internet users: total of 31.2 million (35.5 % population). 7 computers per 100 inhabitants. 35 Internet users per 100 inhabitants Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013
4 1. ICT Development in Viet Nam: Development orientation Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013 Network: Broadband networks (wired and wireless) to replace narrowband networks. Expand optical networks and 3G mobile coverage. Infrastructure sharing among telecom operators, among telecom sector and others. Technology: Broadband and digital technology. Green ICT technology Trial LTE Technology. Telecom resources: Review spectrum allocation plan to license to IMT advanced networks.
5 2.ICT Standardization Framework in Viet Nam ICT Standardization Categories Legal Framework of ICT Standardization Standardization System in Viet Nam Process of Drafting ICT Standards/Regulation Process of Issuing Standards: National Technical Standards National Technical Regulations Standardization challenges and difficulties Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013
ICT Standardization Categories Number of standards (as of October 2013) National technical regulations: compulsory (72) National technical standards: voluntary (56) Standards categories: EMC Quality of Services Protection of the health and the safety of users and others person Interoperability of the equipment and network Effectively use of the spectrum allocated and avoid harmful interference 6 Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013
Legal Framework of ICT Standardization Law of Technical Regulations and Standards (29/6/2013) Regulate on developing, announcing and applying of standard; developing, issuing and applying of regulations; assessment compliance to standards, regulations. Technical Regulations: issued by MoST, ICT Technical Regulations: issued by MIC Circular on “Instruction of Developing and applying of Technical Standards” issued by MoST (No. 21/2007/TT-BKHCN) Circular on “Developing of ICT Technical Regulation and Standards” issued by MIC (No. 03/2011/TT-BTTTT) Instruct on objectives of ICT Technical Regulation and Standards Instruct on procedure, requirement of developing of ICT Technical Regulation and Standards 7 Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013
8 Standardization System in Viet Nam Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013 APT Standards development International cooperation and corresponding Others sector ICT sector Vietnam Standards and Quality Institute National Standardization Review Committee ITU Manufacturers Communication service providers LaboratoriesAcademia etc. suggesting draft national standard to be adopted Commissioning of draft national standards development rights Operational Support Selection / Support APT joint contribution Standards contribution VN standards establishment / Provision Standards draft proposal participation Standards contribution International Coorperation Department Ministry of Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies Department Technical Committees R&D project for developing draft standards ISO/IEC Ministry of sciences and technologies ICT Standardization Strategy Proposal participation and contribution in ITU, APT group Vietnam telecommunications authority The authority of Radio Frequency Management VN technical regulation establishment Operational supervision
Process of Drafting ICT Standards/Regulations MIC setting standardization policies, strategies and plans MIC Raising standardization issues and then signing contracts with research institutes and relevant agencies to draft technical standards/regulation MIC promulgating mandatory technical regulations, funding standardization activities Standards/Regulations being drafted on the basis of and referred to international standards and recommendations by famous standard organizations (ITU, ETSI, ISO/IEC....) 9 Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013
10 Process of Issuing Technical Standards Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013
Proposal~ Accept work item Prepare draft standardsPublic inquiry ~ Adopt standardsTotal duration1.5 months8-11 months2 months10-12months Submission of draft regulation Proposal For MIC Public Hearing Review Issue If modification needed No Any interested parties Department of Science and Technologies MIC Examination Of the comments Technical Committee Yes Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013 Process of Issuing Technical Regulations
Standardization Challenges and Difficulties No designated independent standardization development body Lack/rare of public participation in the standardization process in reality Lack of guideline and experience on holding a standardization forum where standards from different operators can be discussed and combined before submitting to regulator for issuing technical regulation Capacity of laboratories in Vietnam have not meet requirements for measurements. 12 Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013
Viet Nam (MIC): State Member; Viettel: Sector Member of ITU-T, R, D Member of ITU Council: 1994 – 2006 Participate more actively recently: Some considerable proposals on: BSG, promote of ITU regional representatives, development of Telecom in rural Area, Implementation of NGN, Telecom outside plan in area frequently exposed to natural disaster … Host and chair meetings/Seminars: GSS-08, ITU- R WP5D, BSG Workshop 2008,... Office bearers in Study Groups: Vice chairman of ITU-D SG1, rapportuer in some study questions of ITU-D, Vice chairman of ITU-R SG5 3. Viet Nam’s participation in ITU - Overview
Viet Nam’s participation in ITU – Activities Participation in ITU-T: Objectives: update of new standardization issues contribute to harmonize standards, bridge the gaps between developed and developing countries towards global standards GSS, WTSA Study Group: SG2, SG3, SG5, SG11, SG 12, SG13, TSAG Events related to BSG, C&I
Organization to participate in ITU Focal point of ITU: Leader of Department of International Cooperation (DIC) 3 staffs in charge of 3 fields: ITU-D, ITU-T + ITU-R, Secretariat General DIC functions related to ITU: Counselor for Minister on strategies, objectives and plans in participating ITU Instruct and manage of other departments in the Ministry in participation in ITU (including procedures and content) Organize and authorize of national delegates to participate in some important meetings/conferences of ITU Disseminate of information from ITU to appropriate national stakeholders
4. Proposal for ITU-T Conducting consultancy projects to support developing countries in the development of standardization plans, strategies, policies Developing a set of guidelines on how to apply ITU-T Recommendations in the process of drafting and issuing standards, with particular emphasis on Recs having regulatory and policy implications Compiling and maintaining a database containing information on new technologies that are standardized, as well as products that are compliant with ITU-T Recommendations. Assist developing countries in developing means to align their national industrial and innovation strategies towards the goal of achieving highest impact on their socio-economic ecosystems Provide free online access to the manuals, handbooks, directives and other ITU material related to understanding and implementation of ITU ‑ T Recommendations, particularly in the area of planning, operation and maintenance of telecommunications networks 16
Thank you! 17 Yangon, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, November 2013