The learning process in each class Adapted from Guy Lavoie’s model
Satisfaction Make sure that each student is satisfied at the end of the class. Having fun creates a winning environment. Have exercises tailored to each student
Time of motor engagement Plan the activities. Keep everybody busy by planning a circuit. Plan exercises if they have to wait for their turn. Give short feedback. Propose corrections via exercises rather than by long explanations.
Physical preparation Develop the flexibility relevant to the results anticipated. Develop the strength required for the discipline. Develop motor qualities: agility, balance, coordination, spatial orientation.
TECHNICAL WORK Work on prerequisites. Develop schemas of bodily action relevant to circus disciplines. Evolution of the movement: prepare for the next step once the exercises are controlled.
70% of success rate When the majority of the exercises are performed successfully, it develops self confidence. When new challenges are introduced, it is stimulating.
Ability to concentrate 03 – 07 year old: Seconds – minutes. 08 – 09 year old: Few minutes. 10 – 11 year old: Approximately 10 min. 12 – 15 year old: More than 20 min.
Volume of repetitions With the focus on the same goal. Repetitions 01 – 05:Marked increase. Repetitions 06 – 10:Stabilization. Over 10 repetitions:The quality decreases.