Tips for OCONUS Moves for MSJDNers As a military spouse with a law degree Thoughts and musing by Christine Connolly
Government Attorney Your best bet is to start looking for possible attorney positions on USAJobs at your new OCONUS duty station Make sure to update your USAJobs resume Be sure to list the appropriate knowledge and skills on your resume to make the cut Network with anyone you can Put yourself out on MSJDN and contact Ashley Ludovicy-Donahue at OTJAG to send your resume, spouse’s new duty location, and find out if there are any legal openings JAG Corps is small – working in the office as an attorney is a great way to keep your legal muscles working and build a wonderful reputation
Government Jobs with “Legal” Twist Often times there will not be a legal job with the government at your OCONUS location Be open to other government jobs that can utilize your legal training Public Affairs (PAO) Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), SHARP, Victim Advocate Protocol Officer Inspector General (IG) Look for jobs that will allow you to use your legal skills and be understandable / sellable to future employers Be open and understand job descriptions
The JAG Office Look for opportunities at the local JAG office – there could be openings in non-attorney positions that might be of interest Contractors (sometimes in claims) Paralegals (often times they are excited to have a person with a JD!) Temporary tax office employees While not working as an attorney, most JAG offices will be happy to have you and know how to utilize your skills Provides great networking and builds your reputation Opens doors for future opportunities Make sure to check with CPAC about GS levels, restrictions, etc.
Off Post Opportunities Creativity is key – keep your eyes open, talk to anyone and everyone, get on social media and the web Websites like The Project Counsel Group allow you to sign up for notification of certain types of positions or locations, looking for and signing up for notifications might lead to an unexpected opportunity Of Counsel – you never know who might need you. I was in criminal defense work for service members as an Of Counsel attorney with a firm that had a branch in Europe Foreign law offices – go to the local bar association, introduce yourself to local attorneys, see if there might be a need for your assistance – maybe a local national attorney needs assistance with US family law
Telecommute Do you have a great job now? Can you do it from a remote location? Try to work with your firm to set up an opportunity to telecommute. Even if part- time this might be a great way to keep up your connections and employment. Your location may also be a selling point for new opportunities. Look for other telecommuting opportunities Legal research and writing Writing motions Legal review The world is smaller than it used to be! Take advantage if you can!
Teach Military Installation Education Centers have many different colleges on post, often times they are looking for professors to teach in various subject areas – to include legal. This could be something that is done in addition to work or flexible for someone who doesn’t want to work full-time. It might not pay much, but could lead to other opportunities. High schools might have legal classes or you could be a tutor. Off Post Look into local universities – you never know what opportunities might exist for visiting professors. What a great opportunity. Local national high schools might have a need for legal type classes or provide opportunities for native English speakers
Volunteer Volunteer at the JAG Office Opportunities should exist on all installations A great way to build your reputation, keep your resume solid, and open future opportunities Volunteer in your community Look for opportunities that use your legal knowledge, such as being the parliamentarian for an organization Focus on those that make your heart happy and/or allow for networking Volunteer by Telecommuting Many stateside organizations have opportunities that don’t require face to face support, but still allow you to help others – especially serving veterans
Keep Your Toes In Legal Waters Even if you don’t want to work full-time or part-time, volunteer or do something to keep your toes in the legal waters Write a blog that has a legal bent or focus Organize Law Day (often JAG offices will do for DoDEA schools) Organize “Lawyers that Lunch” to meet with like situated spouses Do legal classes / seminars for the local school Or have you thought about serving in uniform? Go active duty Consider the reserves Serve your nation and practice law!
Things to Think About Insurance Does your job have insurance? Do you need to get insurance? Can you get insurance living overseas? You may need to get a private company. Licensing Can you practice where you are and what you are doing? Does your state limitations or restrictions? Do you need to join another bar? Business / Taxes / Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) What business or tax requirements do you have? Do you have any local national obligations? Taxes? Make sure to read the SOFA and talk to an expert if you have questions!
Travel Don’t forget you are living a unique life experience – take advantage of all you can Travel often and frequently Get to know your local culture Get out in your community – go to the café and chat with a local Learn a new language