Contraception What Is Contraception –contra = “against –ception = “conception” Any method that tries to prevent fertilization
Types of Contraception Artificial –Methods that prevent conception during sex – birth control, e.g condoms, pill
Types of Contraception Natural –Avoid conception by avoiding sex at certain times – family planning, e.g. rhythm method
Methods of Contraception Different methods of contraception –Natural family planning –Barrier method –Hormonal methods –Sterilization –Intrauterine Devise –Morning After Pill
Your Task Using the sheet in front of you fill in the boxes with as much information as you can to help you produce your leaflets about Contraception.
Birth Control Pill Contraceptive Pill – It is a pill which the girl takes daily. It contains hormones which prevent pregnancy
Birth Control Pill Contraceptive Pill – 92% Effective
Condoms Male Condom – The male condom is the only method of contraception boys can use. It's really just a rubber tube. It's closed at one end like the finger of a glove so that when a boy puts it over his penis it stops the sperm going inside a girl's body
Female Condom The female condom is a fairly new barrier method. It is not as widely available as the male condom and it is more expensive
Condom Condom Male – 85% effective Female – 79% effective
IUD or Coil The IUD ‘ The IUD’ – which stands for ‘intra-uterine device.’ Most IUDs are T-shaped. They’re made of plastic and copper, sometimes with a little silver inside. They prevent your partner’s sperms from getting through your womb and into your tubes
IUD or Coil The IUD ‘ The IUD’ 99.9% effective
Diaphragm and cap Diaphragms and caps Diaphragms and caps fit inside the vagina and cover the cervix (entrance to the womb). They are barrier methods of contraception and stop sperm meeting an egg.
Diaphragm and cap Diaphragms and caps 84% effective w/spermicide
Sponge Sponge It is a small, doughnut-shaped device that is coated with spermicide
Sponge Sponge 68% effective w/spermicide
Spermicide Spermicides come in several different forms: cream, gel and foam. Most spermicides contain nonoxynol-9, a chemical that kills sperm. Spermicides can be used alone but are more effective when used with another method of birth control, such as a condom or diaphragm.
Spermicide Spermicides 71% effective
Implant Contraceptive Implant Contraceptive Implant - The contraceptive implant is a small, flexible tube that's inserted under the skin in the upper arm. It slowly releases a hormone called progestogen and works for three years.
Implant Contraceptive Implant Contraceptive Implant - 97% effective
Injection Contraceptive Injection The contraceptive injection contains a hormone called progestogen and is a long-term method of contraception. It's injected into a muscle and the hormone is released very slowly into the body.
Injection Contraceptive Injection 97% effective
Contraceptive Patch It's a thin, beige, sticky patch measuring 5cm x 5cm. It contains the same hormones as the combined pill: oestrogen and progestogen.
Contraceptive Patch 92% effective
Emergency Contraception Morning After Pill Type of emergency contraception. Prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. Plan B is more effective the sooner you take it.
Emergency Contraception Morning After Pill 95% within 24 hours 85% if taken within 25–48 hours 58% if taken within 49–72 hours
Natural Planning Withdrawal Method Withdrawal Method – The withdrawal of the penis from the vagina before the man has ejaculated. This is not very reliable
Natural Planning Withdrawal Method Withdrawal Method – 73% effective
Natural Planning Rhythm Method Rhythm Method – When a couple abstain from sexual intercourse on the days when she is most fertile.
Natural Planning Rhythm Method Rhythm Method – 75% effective
Tubal sterilisation is surgery to block a woman's fallopian tubes. Tubal sterilisation is a permanent form of birth control
'male sterilisation 'male sterilisation' It works by preventing sperm from reaching the semen that is ejaculated from the man's penis during sex. It is a quick and painless surgical procedure
Your Task Choose one of the following types of promotional material for your group to create: Poster: Pamphlet: Commercial: