THE CHURCH OF CHRIST THE CHURCH OF CHRIST Not using the word “church” like most do (1 Peter 4:11) Not using the word “church” like most do (1 Peter 4:11)


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Presentation transcript:

THE CHURCH OF CHRIST THE CHURCH OF CHRIST Not using the word “church” like most do (1 Peter 4:11) Not using the word “church” like most do (1 Peter 4:11) Not advocating or offering a choice of denominations Not advocating or offering a choice of denominations 1

“One church is as good as another” “Join the church of your choice” “The church you’re a member of isn’t important” “You can be saved without being in a church” “The church is full of hypocrites” “One church is as good as another” “Join the church of your choice” “The church you’re a member of isn’t important” “You can be saved without being in a church” “The church is full of hypocrites” 2 Common statements…

“Many are routes that lead to God…Every one goes his own way from God and then every one must find his own way back.” (Billy Graham, My Answer, March 9, 1954) Jer. 10:23; Matt. 7:13-14; Jno. 14:6 3

“Join the church of your choice and glorify God.” (Billy Graham, My Answer, Dec. 15, 1955) Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 3:21 4

“Real competition serves purpose, even in religion…If they were all united into one congregation and under one organization, they might not reach as many people or put as many people to effective work for Christ.” (Billy Graham, My Answer, March 12, 1954) Jn. 17:20-21; 1 Cor. 1:10,13; Eph. 4:3-4 5

“Whenever anyone points a critical finger and demands to know why there have to be so many different churches all serving the same God, I am always tempted to point out how many different styles of hats have to be designed for both American men and women. We all belong to the same human race, but we all have enough physical differences to make it impossible for us to wear the same style of hat with equal satisfaction.” (Billy Graham, Peace with God, p. 193) Eph. 1:22-23; 4:4; Gal. 3:28 6

Matt. 16:18; Acts 20:28; Eph. 3:10-11; 5:25, 23; 1 Tim. 3:15 “One church is as good as another” “Join the church of your choice” “The church you’re a member of isn’t important” “You can be saved without being in a church” “The church is full of hypocrites” “One church is as good as another” “Join the church of your choice” “The church you’re a member of isn’t important” “You can be saved without being in a church” “The church is full of hypocrites” Common statements… 7

What is the Church? ekklesia “the called out ones” An Assembly -Riot, Acts 19:32, 41 -Gov’t body, Acts 19:39 -Israel, Acts 7:38 An Assembly -Riot, Acts 19:32, 41 -Gov’t body, Acts 19:39 -Israel, Acts 7:38 Church of Christ Matt. 16:18 Those “called out” of sin, into salvation The Redeemed Church of Christ Matt. 16:18 Those “called out” of sin, into salvation The Redeemed 8

Matt. 16:18; Acts 20:28 The body of Christ – Colossians 1:18 The house of God – 1 Timothy 3:15 The temple of God – 2 Cor. 6:16 The kingdom of God – Heb. 12:28 The bride of Christ – Rev. 19:7 The body of Christ – Colossians 1:18 The house of God – 1 Timothy 3:15 The temple of God – 2 Cor. 6:16 The kingdom of God – Heb. 12:28 The bride of Christ – Rev. 19:7 The church of Christ is… 9

“CHURCH OF CHRIST” Universal Mt. 16:18; Heb. 12:23 Eph. 1:22; 3:21; 5:23 All the saved Universal Mt. 16:18; Heb. 12:23 Eph. 1:22; 3:21; 5:23 All the saved Local 1 Cor. 1:2; 1 Ths. 1:1 Gal. 1:2; Rom. 16:16 Congregations of the saved Local 1 Cor. 1:2; 1 Ths. 1:1 Gal. 1:2; Rom. 16:16 Congregations of the saved 10 SAVEDSAVED

Matt. 16:18; Acts 20:28 Called by God, Acts 2:39; Jno.6: Out of darkness – 1 Pet. 2:9 -Into His own kingdom – 1 Ths. 2:12 -Into fellowship with Christ – 1 Cor. 1:9 Called by the Gospel, 2 Ths. 2:13-14 Called by God, Acts 2:39; Jno.6: Out of darkness – 1 Pet. 2:9 -Into His own kingdom – 1 Ths. 2:12 -Into fellowship with Christ – 1 Cor. 1:9 Called by the Gospel, 2 Ths. 2:13-14 The Church: “Called out ones” 11

People who are the church are… PURCHASED – Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 1:18-19 SAVED – Eph. 1:22-23; 5:23; Acts 2:47 POSSESSED – Mt.16:18; 1Pet.2:9-10; Tit. 2:14 SEPARATED – Col. 1:13; 1 Pet. 2:9; 2 Cor. 6:16-18; 1 Cor. 1:2 SUBMISSIVE – Eph. 5:24; 1:22-23; Col. 3:17; Matt. 28:18 PURCHASED – Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 1:18-19 SAVED – Eph. 1:22-23; 5:23; Acts 2:47 POSSESSED – Mt.16:18; 1Pet.2:9-10; Tit. 2:14 SEPARATED – Col. 1:13; 1 Pet. 2:9; 2 Cor. 6:16-18; 1 Cor. 1:2 SUBMISSIVE – Eph. 5:24; 1:22-23; Col. 3:17; Matt. 28:18 Descriptions of the ChurchChurch ChurchChurch 12

Entrance into the church of Christ Purchased Saved Possessed Separated Submissive CHURCHCHURCH ADDEDADDED Romans 6:3 1 Peter 3:21 1Co.12:13 Gal. 3:27 Acts 22:16 Mark 16:16 Acts 2: