Texas Statutes - Section …in plain English Risk Management Programs for Members and Advisors of Student Organizations
(b) : Who Applies to student organizations that meet the following criteria: “Registered at a postsecondary educational institution” Membership is primarily made up of students who are enrolled at that institution. As a postsecondary educational institution with over 1,000 registered student organizations meeting the above criteria, UT Austin is required to comply with Section The Student Activities area in the Office of the Dean of Students created Program Safety Education Services (PSES) to meet this mandate. (Risk Management Programs for Members, 2007)
(c): When The University of Texas at Austin must: Provide a risk management program for student organizations meeting the criteria previously stated “at least once during each academic year.” Allow any member of those organizations to attend even if they are not required. PSES is held twice during each academic year, once during each semester. Registered (RSO) and sponsored student organizations (SSO) required to participate in the program are assigned a semester in which they are to complete all necessary components. Criteria for inclusion in the program as well as an explanation of the components follows. (Risk Management Programs for Members, 2007)
(d) : Why us? The institution may select to have all student organizations participate or: Develop criteria to determine which groups or types of groups must participate. –Selection criteria must come from the determination that the aforementioned will “particularly benefit” from this program. –Advisors who have not participated previously must complete the program with the students. UT Austin has developed criteria to select groups who would be more likely to benefit from Safety Education. These criteria are as follows: 1.Conducts or facilitates “large-scale, complex events” or any activity that could be inherently dangerous to members of participants. 2.Receives sponsorship from a university department or college. 3.Conducts a new member education process. 4.Has been disciplined for violations of the Institutional Rules in the past. 5. Travels, as a group, frequently outside a 25-mile radius of the campus OR internationally. (Risk Management Programs for Members, 2007)
(e) : Representation To ensure the greatest benefit from student participation, the institution may: “Designate not more than four officer positions” from the aforementioned organizations to participate on behalf of the membership. Designate appropriate substitutions for the positions designated should an organization have different leadership structure. For each of the RSOs and SSOs selected for participation, PSES requires that at least three of the authorized representatives designated by said groups must complete all components of the program. At least one of the three representatives completing the program must be the President, CEO, or other equivalent position for these organizations. (Risk Management Programs for Members, 2007)
(f) : Reporting To ensure that full membership of each organization benefits from participation: Each advisor and/or officer that attends the program must present the contents of the program to all members of the organization. Each officer and advisor that is participating in the program on behalf of their organization is required to download materials provided by Student Activities so that they may present the contents to their full membership. After presenting the information, at least one of these authorized representatives must sign an agreement stating that they have fulfilled their obligations and all members have received training. (Risk Management Programs for Members, 2007 )
(g) : Components Programs may address any issues deemed relevant by the institution so long as the following topics are included: 1.Possession and use of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs 2.Hazing 3.Sexual abuse and harassment 4.Fire and other safety issues 5.Travel 6.Behavior at parties 7.Adoption of a risk management policy PSES requires completion of online modules on the following topics: Hazing prevention, alcohol possession and abuse, drug possession and abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, behavior at organization events, fire and life safety, student organization travel Following completion of the online modules, participants must attend an in- person workshop focused on Active Bystander behavior. (Risk Management Programs for Members, 2007)
(h) : Notification All participating institutions must provide notice of the program to affected organizations in a manner that they deem most effective. Student Activities uses to notify participants of selection, requirements, deadlines, and possible sanctions. E- mail addresses are obtained from those entered by the Authorized Representatives during registration, re-registration, or any time they update this information. All RSOs and SSOs selected for participation in the Safety Education Program are made aware of their requirements during the first week of classes in the semester of their participation and are reminded of their commitments throughout the semester. (Risk Management Programs for Members, 2007)
(i) : Completion & Sanctions All participating institutions must develop a method for tracking attendance of groups and determine appropriate sanctions should these groups fail to complete their requirements in a timely manner. Student Activities has developed an online database for tracking completion of all components of the program. Using their UT EID, individual participants receive credit for participating by logging in and completing the components outlined. RSOs or SSOs that fail to complete any of the components during the semester to which they are assigned are referred to Student Judicial Services for discipline and will be required to complete the program from the beginning during the next available semester. (Risk Management Programs for Members, 2007)
Risk Management Programs for Members and Advisors of Student Organizations, Tex. Educ. Code Ann. § (2007). References