Course Plan and Design Presentation Course: Group Work Bachelor of Occupational Therapy Otago Polytechnic Prepared for ‘Constructing Courses to Enhance Learning’ paper within the Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Learning and Teaching’ Qualification
Why re-design the ‘Group Work’ Course? First year of delivery Future provision of a flexible delivery version of the course
Analysis of learners & context: Learner Profile Majority Female School leavers Kinasthetic learners Key Stakeholders Practising occupational therapists and other members of the multi-disciplinary team WFOT/NZAOTClients!
Design Overview: Underlying Theoretical Perspective LEARNING OCCURS IN CONTEXT: Creating group experiences in class and using case studies for learning. LEARNING IS ACTIVE : Inclusion of opportuntities for students to facilitate groups in either an online or face to face manner LEARNING IS SOCIAL: Ensuring that activities create a sense of community amongst students, particularly as the course becomes more online. LEARNING IS REFLECTIVE: To ensure students continue to strive for improved performance. This is an important approach that is consistent with NZAOT regulations for practicing therapists. Source:
Course Overview Content: 1. Group Theory overview 2. Group Dynamics 3. Group Roles 4. Facilitation Skills Learning Activities: 1. Small group tasks 2. Case study analysis 3. Video Analysis 4. Role Play 5. Class discussion Assessment: 1. Students facilitate group with peers – Video Assessment (Competence in facilitation assessed) 2. Students complete formal written report evaluating the group and their facilitation skills (Application of theory and reflective skills assessed).
Development Ideas Here is an overview of my thoughts for the future design and delivery of the course (Based on previous feedback from students, class observations and summative assessment results): Continue to provide students with active experiences of facilitating a group in class as opportunity for practice and feedback in a safe environment. Continue to compliment this with reflective assessments that encourage students to evaluate their performance. Incorporate the use of podcasts/10 min online audio lectures to introduce basic theory and allow tutorials to be more interactive and focussed on application of theory rather than signficant portions of the tutorials being wasted on lecture type delivery of material. To see comments view:
Implementation Plan TIME LINE: 15th January Complete course review 1st February Approach the EDC department at the polytech for assistance with pod casting and the development of online audio lectures 1st April First audio lecture and pod cast to be completed and trialled on colleague 1st May series of 10 min lectures to be developed 1st July course to be delivered with self directed time being used for delivery of online activties 15th August Stop start continue to be completed to review success of online tasks 31st Nov Course review to be completed 31st Nov Course review to be completed Look at online delivery of some of the actual tutorials in combination with face to face tutorials Source:
Evaluation Plan Colleagues/Family to review and test new activties prior to changes being implemented Stop/Start/Continue review will be completed at mid point of course. Also student reactions to be evaluated in class on an informal level. Student Feedback to be sought via written survey on completion of the course Placement supervisors to be approached informally as key stake holders to comment on students performance in fieldwork following the course Data to be gathered both verbally and written Data to be collated in a written course review which is submitted to management and reviewed by colleagues.