E TA K APPA N U (HKN) F IRST G ENERAL M EETING Alpha Chapter at UIUC Fall 2014 hkn.ece.illinois.edu.


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Presentation transcript:

E TA K APPA N U (HKN) F IRST G ENERAL M EETING Alpha Chapter at UIUC Fall 2014 hkn.ece.illinois.edu

W HAT IS HKN? A student organization created to promote scholarship, character, and leadership The honor society of the UIUC ECE department The honor society of the IEEE hkn.ece.illinois.edu

W HAT D O W E D O ? Student Services Tutoring DEN Mock Interviews Various tutorial sessions Corporate Events and Networking Tech Talks Talk to recruiters and get you interviews Meet other smart students Social Events Power lunches Mario Kart Mondays Broom Ball hkn.ece.illinois.edu

H OW C AN I G ET I NVOLVED ? Join a Committee No membership requirement to be on a committee! Come to our events! Corporate tech talks, social events, etc. Become a tutor, lead a review session, or become a mock interviewer We could really use your help! hkn.ece.illinois.edu

H OW D O I B ECOME A M EMBER ? Top 33% of Seniors OR Top 25% of Juniors OR Top 20% with credit hours OR Be a graduate student At least 3 ece classes At least 1 semester at UIUC hkn.ece.illinois.edu

M ICHAEL L OWNEY President Liaise with the ECE department Oversee everything HKN related and create a vision for the future of HKN Alpha Chapter ECESAC representative for HKN Ways to get involved Have an idea or an opinion about the direction of HKN? Let me know hkn.ece.illinois.edu

AJ L IU Vice President Oversees officers and coordinates board meetings and notes Network and organize events with alumni Ways to get involved Suggest ways to expand HKN’s outreach to alumni hkn.ece.illinois.edu

M ATT T SAO Treasurer Manage Money Fundraise Buy Pizza! Ways to get involved Think of ways to make more money! hkn.ece.illinois.edu

D AN F ERNANDES Technology Manage the HKN website Manage the mailing lists Undertake tech projects for the rest of HKN Ways to get involved Join Technology Committee hkn.ece.illinois.edu

S IDDHANTH M UNUKUTLA Director of Corporate Relations Correspond with corporate representatives Organize tech talks and other events Update the resume book Professional development Ways to get involved Join Corporate Committee Help coordinate tech talks Think up ideas for new corporate events Help manage the resume book hkn.ece.illinois.edu

S ERENA L I Director of Publicity Publish weekly newsletter Co-manages HKN events gCal Creates and distributes flyers for events Facebook Ways to get involved Join Publicity Committee Help me create and post up flyers Improve the newsletter hkn.ece.illinois.edu

S AM B UERKLIN Editor-in-Chief of Dr. Everitt’s Neighborhood All things DEN Recruiting writers Editing/revising course reviews Web development for DEN, with help from Director of Tech Surveys to gather information for course feedback Ways to get involved Join DEN Committee Need editors, help with web and wiki development, new initiatives hkn.ece.illinois.edu

B RANDON S EISER Director of Events Organize and publicize social events for students Work with Corporate Director to help companies sponsor events Eat lots of free food Ways to get involved Help plan events Attend and help run events Who do you want to see for Power Lunches? hkn.ece.illinois.edu

Y INGXI H AI Secretary HKN photographer HKN representative at EC Communicate with HKN Nationals hkn.ece.illinois.edu

J OHNNY D UAN Director of Student Services Organize review sessions and tutorials Organize Mock Interviews Ways to get involved Join the Student Service Committee Create, plan and teach new tutorials Organize review sessions for ECE classes Manage tutoring Help run review sessions Mock technical interviews hkn.ece.illinois.edu

S AM A LMULLA Director of Initiate Affairs In charge of the initiation process Answer any questions for new initiates of UIUC HKN Organize initiate events and initiation Ways to get involved Join HKN! Suggest ways to improve the initiation process hkn.ece.illinois.edu

S HAWN A HN Director of Operations Organize the HKN office Manage past exam colection Track/manage office hours Help run the new ECE open Lab Ways to get involved Suggest ways to keep the office organized hkn.ece.illinois.edu

A LEX H SU Student Resources – EE Create and manage student resources Video tutorials Manage one-on-one tutoring program Tutorials for various ECE classes Eagle and Matlab workshops Ways to get involved Join Student Resources Committee Sign up to be a tutor Help make youtube videos hkn.ece.illinois.edu

D ARIO A RANGUIZ Student Resources - CompE Create and manage student resources New Wiki page to review ECE course Material Tutorials for various ECE classes ECE 198/ECE 391 GDB and Valgrind Ways to get involved Join Student Resources Committee Write articles for the Wiki page hkn.ece.illinois.edu

U PCOMING E VENTS Add our gcal! Social Events Happy at 4pm on Fridays at Legends End of semester thank you celebration Video game Mondays Tech Talks John Deere (Sept 9th); 7:00 to 8:00 pm Bloomberg (Sept 15th); 5:30 to 6:30 pm Qualcomm (Sept 23rd); 7:00pm to 8:00pm Lunch with Goldman Sachs (Sept 9th); 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Intel Corporation (Sept 22nd); 1015 ECEB 5:30pm to 6:30pm Qumulo (Sept 22nd); 1013 ECEB 7:00pm to 8:00pm hkn.ece.illinois.edu

Q UESTIONS ? hkn.ece.illinois.edu Sign up for the mailing list! Sign up for committees! Be an interviewer! Like our facebook page: facebook.com/hknillinois