The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education.


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Presentation transcript:

The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education

THE OAPCE MISSION STATEMENT We shall preserve and enhance the highest quality, publicly funded, English Catholic education in Ontario, enabling all of our children to become contributing members of the Church, School, Home and Society in accordance with God’s will. We shall preserve and enhance the highest quality, publicly funded, English Catholic education in Ontario, enabling all of our children to become contributing members of the Church, School, Home and Society in accordance with God’s will.

The OAPCE VISION The OAPCE as a faith based community, advocates for and is the voice of parents and guardians of children enrolled in publicly funded, English Catholic education in the province of Ontario. The OAPCE nurtures passion for Catholic Education by providing and strengthening active leadership and partnership in all regions across the province.

VISION STATEMENT The OAPCE actively participates with educational and community partners to influence positive outcomes for all children

OAPCE PURPOSE The primary purpose of OAPCE is to be the voice of parents and guardians of children enrolled in publicly funded, English Catholic education system in the province of Ontario. We believe that success comes from the active collaboration between school, parish and home. It is an holistic partnership which recognizes that parents and guardians are the primary educators of their children. The primary purpose of OAPCE is to be the voice of parents and guardians of children enrolled in publicly funded, English Catholic education system in the province of Ontario. We believe that success comes from the active collaboration between school, parish and home. It is an holistic partnership which recognizes that parents and guardians are the primary educators of their children.

INCORPORATION The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education is a non-profit organization, incorporated under the laws of Ontario, in 1951.

OAPCE OBJECTIVES  To develop full and effective participation of all OAPCE regions  To establish and maintain effective communication between the home, the school, the Church and the community in promoting the Catholic education of our children  To create within the publicly funded, English Catholic education system a greater appreciation of the Catholic faith and uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church in all matters affecting the Catholic education of our children  To advocate for the engagement of parents/guardians at all levels of publicly funded, English Catholic education.

OAPCE OBJECTIVES  To provide a means to all supporters of publicly funded, English Catholic education whereby they can achieve a better understanding and appreciation of the Catholic better understanding and appreciation of the Catholic educational process (system) and the opportunity for them educational process (system) and the opportunity for them to provide greater input into this process to provide greater input into this process  To provide the opportunity for members of various groups to work collaboratively for the purpose of groups to work collaboratively for the purpose of preserving and enhancing our publicly funded, English Catholic education system Catholic education system  To continue to demonstrate due diligence in the operation of the Association operation of the Association

OAPCE STRUCTURE  Board of Directors composed of 24 Regional directors, appointed/elected by their Regions  President elected from and by the Board of Directors for 2 year term  Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary are 1 year renewable terms  Past President is a maximum 2 year advisory position  Spiritual Director is appointed annually  Executive Director is appointed as required by the Board Groups of schools in a given geographical area form a (Regional) Council These may or may not be part of an existing (Regional or District) Council, in efforts to ensure maximum parent participation

OAPCE MEMBERS Active Members Active members are all parents with children enrolled in these publicly funded, English Catholic schools are considered active members and are eligible to vote at the Annual General Meeting and/or any Special Meeting of members. Active members are recognized by:  A School Board paying membership on behalf of all their schools  Individual schools paying their own membership Associate Members This category of membership shall be open to individuals or groups who no longer have children enrolled in publicly funded, English Catholic education in the province of Ontario and who wish to continue to support Catholic Education. Life Time Members Lifetime membership may be granted upon approved motion of the Board of Directors to an individual who has performed services of an exemplary nature to The Association or Catholic Education. Such membership shall be honourary and these members are eligible to vote on items arising at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting of members. Affiliate Members Affiliate membership shall be open to Provincial Education Parents’ Associations who are recognized in Regulation 612 of the Education Act. Their membership must have a majority of parents and/or guardians of children enrolled in Catholic Schools and their Association must publicly support publicly funded, English Catholic education.

VOTING/FUNDING VOTING Active and Lifetime Members Have voting rights Only Active Members May seek Appointment or election at both Regional and Provincial levels. FUNDING  Full unit membership (paid either by School Board for all schools or by individual schools) (paid either by School Board for all schools or by individual schools)  Affiliate membership  Associate membership  Government Grant  Donations

ELECTION OF REGIONAL DIRECTORS The Regional Council is required to conduct an election every two years to comply with the OAPCE bylaws for the purpose of electing an OAPCE Regional Director. Each candidate should provide the Regional Council with a written biography and acknowledgement that they, the candidate, meet the requirements to be an OAPCE Regional Director according to the OAPCE bylaws and Director’s Operating Procedures.

REGIONAL/DISTRICT COUNCIL The Association recognizes those Catholic District School Boards established from time to time by the Ontario Ministry of Education. An OAPCE recognized Regional Council consisting of representatives that have been elected or appointed from all the Catholic Schools within the Region shall be established. These representatives shall elect or appoint from among their number an executive that complies with the Regional Council’s bylaws and/or constitution. In order to allow Regional Directors to adequately represent the parents affiliated with all schools in their Region, geographic diversity and quantity of schools was considered when organizing the distribution of Regions. Recognizing these situations, some Regions may elect or appoint more than one Regional Director.

REGIONAL COUNCIL REBATE Where a Regional Council submits meeting minutes and a financial statement of activities by February 28 th each year, it may be recognized as an OAPCE Regional Council and qualify for a 30% rebate of the annual membership fees paid by their School Board for that calendar year. This is to be paid back to the Regional Council by March 31 st for use in parent engagement and/or communication activities to promote parent knowledge. Where a Regional Council submits meeting minutes and a financial statement of activities by February 28 th each year, it may be recognized as an OAPCE Regional Council and qualify for a 30% rebate of the annual membership fees paid by their School Board for that calendar year. This is to be paid back to the Regional Council by March 31 st for use in parent engagement and/or communication activities to promote parent knowledge.

OBJECTIVES  Continued participation on all MOE working tables, curriculum review and symposia to ensure effective curriculum review and symposia to ensure effective communication between OAPCE, the Minister of communication between OAPCE, the Minister of Education and the MOE Education and the MOE  Maintain an on-going relationship with the College Of Teachers  Encourage periodic meetings with all partners in Education  Lobbying Provide information to parents/ guardians with children in Provide information to parents/ guardians with children in publicly funded, English Catholic education, to enable them publicly funded, English Catholic education, to enable them to respond to education (and related issues) as it relates to to respond to education (and related issues) as it relates to Catholic Education. Catholic Education. Work effectively with our Catholic educational partners and other Ontario education partners formulating dialogue and collaboration

 Voter registration Ensure that all across the province rate payers (who wish to do so) Ensure that all across the province rate payers (who wish to do so) are registered with their correct support for the Catholic system are registered with their correct support for the Catholic system Ensure that parents/guardians and supporters of the Catholic system are Ensure that parents/guardians and supporters of the Catholic system are aware that while property tax dollars are not directly channelled to either aware that while property tax dollars are not directly channelled to either system (funding is per pupil) it is important that the number of Catholic system (funding is per pupil) it is important that the number of Catholic School Supporters are known School Supporters are known  Continue to develop communication with High School and Elementary Student Councils and Provincial Student Trustee Elementary Student Councils and Provincial Student Trustee Associations Associations  Expand subscription list for electronic communications (e- newsletter, surveys, etc) in order to allow for more effective and newsletter, surveys, etc) in order to allow for more effective and frequent communication within the OAPCE and its members frequent communication within the OAPCE and its members across the province. across the province. OBJECTIVES

 Continue to promote the “Engaging Parents” workshop for all members of Catholic School Councils across the province members of Catholic School Councils across the province “An interactive effective workshop program that OAPCE- in “An interactive effective workshop program that OAPCE- in conjunction with the Catholic Education Partners - Principals, conjunction with the Catholic Education Partners - Principals, Teachers, and Trustees developed about partnership and truly demonstrates to all who participate that Teachers, and Trustees developed about partnership and truly demonstrates to all who participate that all our Catholic Educational Partners benefit when we are all our Catholic Educational Partners benefit when we are working together. Engaged is to know your partners and to be working together. Engaged is to know your partners and to be able to collaborate” able to collaborate”

OAPCE COMMITTEES  ADMINISTRATIVE  FINANCE SUB-COMMITTEE  CONFERENCE  70TH ANNIVERSARY  AWARDS SUB-COMMITTEE  INTERNAL  RELIGION/SPIRITUALITY PARTICIPATION VARIOUS OTHER COMMITTEES: Many of our directors are involved in their local CPIC’s, Regional Committees, and other Board Level Committees  Minister's Partnership Table  Learning to 18 Student Success Working Table  Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Working Table  EQAO  MOE Curriculum Review sessions  Ontario Bishop's Fully Alive Curriculum Review  COMMUNICATIONS  WEB DEVLPMT SUB-COMMITTEE  PARTNERSHIPS  REGIONAL RELATIONS  LOBBYING  EDUCATION  ENGAGING PARENTS

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