LIB110: Locating Full-text Journal Articles Library University Library Sept
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Use 1-Search, library online catalogue & Chinese databases to search for full text articles Apply Boolean operators, truncation and limiters to improve search results Identify sources for locating full-text articles that are not available in LU Library 2
Find a special article from a journal Library Online Catalogue E-journal Portal ▫Example 1 : Give, N., Mayhar, J., & Skorick, J. M. (2000). The cognitive calculus of foreign policy decision making: An experimental assessment. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 44(4), pp ▫Example 2: Oksenberg, M. (1998), “Confronting a Classic Dilemma ” Journal of Democracy, 9(1), pp
Library online catalogue (1) 4
Library online catalogue (2) 5 Search Article Title “The cognitive calculus of foreign policy decision making” has NO MATCHES Give, N., Mayhar, J., & Skorick, J. M. (2000). The cognitive calculus of foreign policy decision making: An experimental assessment. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 44(4), pp
Library online catalogue (3) Full text articles can be accessed online via 2 electronic platforms (ProQuest & JSTOR) Geva, N., Mayhar, J., & Skorick, J. M. (2000). The cognitive calculus of foreign policy decision making: An experimental assessment. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 44(4), pp
E-journal portal You can : 1. Search by journal title; 2. Check alphabetical list; 3. Browse journals by Subjects. 7
Search strategies (1) Identify main concepts Write down your topic as a sentence, phrase, question or a series of descriptive words. Then pull out the main concepts from your topic statement. E.g. Media and politics in Hong Kong media; politics; hong kong Choice of search words (related key terms/ synonyms): Brainstorm and use thesauri to identify additional keyword search terms corresponding to your main concepts. media, journalism, etc. politics, political, etc. hong kong, hongkong, hk 8
Search strategies (2) Combine your keyword terms using Boolean operators (AND / OR ) and wildcards (e.g. *, !) ▫AND: searches records that mention both search terms, this narrows the search e.g. media and hong kong ( 必須同時出現 ) ▫OR: finds records in which one or both search terms appear, this broadens the search e.g. media or journalism ( 只要任何一個出現 ) 9
Search strategies (3) Wildcards / Truncation: retrieves all variant endings of that word ▫1-Search: * ▫EBSCOhost: * ▫ProQuest: * ▫LexisNexis Academic: ! ▫OPAC: * e.g. journali* -- retrieves all words that start with JOURNALI such as journalist, journalism, journalistic, etc. 10
Search strategies (4) Quotation Marks “ ”: search the words as an exact phrase, this narrows down the search e.g. “education reform”, “hong kong” ( )Parentheses: gives priority and order in the search statement e.g. (media or journalism) and hong kong Be prepared to narrow / expand your search results by using database-specific features / changing your keywords 11
Click here or type the following link to access the Quiz (LIB110: Part A)here In-class quiz 12
1-Search One single search box Many different types of contents Facet refine Report problems to us User Guide: search_guide search_guide 13
1-Search A more powerful search engine behind: The 1-Search 14
If I want to find journal articles for my research project Question: I am looking for journal articles for my research project about Internet Banking in Hong Kong. Answer: Conduct a keyword search in 1-Search. Tips: The Boolean Operators AND, OR and NOT must be written in ALL CAPS. Words in a specific order use " ". e.g. “internet banking" 15
1-Search 16 Number of search results To limit your search (to have more precise results) by selecting these facets
Use the facets to narrow down the search results Limit to items with full text online Limit to scholarly publications Limit the time frame Select appropriate content types Select appropriate subject terms Select a special language 17
How to view full-text ? (1) 18 Click this icon to save the article to the list. Click “Full Text Online” to see the online journal article, normally you will be linked to a full text article or a “Check for Full Text” page
How to view full-text ? (2) Click “Journal” and access the journal article by year/volume/page Click “Article”, then a new webpage, containing links to view the article will appear. Here below are some examples of the “Check for Full Text”
Quiz time again Click here or type the following link to access the Quiz (LIB110: Part B)
Chinese Journal Databases 中國期刊全文數據庫 Find- Databases 中國期刊全文數據 (Beijing Site / Qingdao Site) e.g. 白先勇 小說 香港中文期刊論文索引 Find Databases Chinese Studies 香港中文期刊論文索引 e.g. 也斯 & 詩 e.g. 金庸 & 創作 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 Find Databases Chinese Studies 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 ( ) e.g. 張愛玲 * 白先勇 21
中國期刊全文數據庫 (1) 22 Click the” PDF 下 載 ” to view full text
中國期刊全文數據庫 (1) 23 Choosing “ 相似文獻 ” to expand your search result.
香港中文期刊論文索引 (1) 24
香港中文期刊論文索引 (2) 25
香港中文期刊論文索引 (3) 26
臺灣期刊論文索引系統 : 27 張愛玲 * 小說
Google Scholar (1) A freely-accessible web search engine indexes the full-text of scholarly literature across disciplines.scholarly literature Modify the Scholar Preference in Google Scholar Access: User guide:
Google Scholar (2) 29
Google Scholar (3) 30
Guess what… It’s Quiz Time again! This is the last one! 6. True or False: Google scholar has the capacity to show you whether the articles you’ve found are available in Lingnan University Library. a.True b.False 31
Need Help? Ask A Librarian ▫ librarianhttp:// librarian Integrated Helpdesk ▫ Chat Reference Service ▫2pm-5pm, Mon-Fri 32
We would like to have your feedback on this workshop ~ Click here to access the online evaluation form of this Library Workshop, OR, type the following link :here (Click “ILP Library Workshops” under “Evaluation Forms”) 33
Q & A Thank You!