Overview Job Hunting vs. Dating Job Search Interview Preparation During the Interview After the Interview Creative Financial Staffing Questions?
Job Hunting vs. Dating Never put down an ex (employer) Look your best Be yourself Network Be sincere Don’t be shy You need chemistry It’s not all about looks You have to make them want more You can’t rush into it
Job Search Decide what you want Application process Research local companies Network/Volunteer Google yourself
Interview Preparation Choose the perfect outfit Make copies of your resume/references Contact your references Prepare a list of at least 5 questions (write them down) Create a list of accomplishments Research the company Practice answering typical interview questions PRACTICE!
During the Interview Phone Interview Stand up and walk around Smile when you speak Have a copy of your resume/references in front of you Turn off distractions Thank the interviewer, express interest and ask what the next step is… (Your goal is to get a face to face interview)
During the Interview Face to Face Interview Arrive early Bring a copy of your resume/references Make eye contact Smile and have a positive attitude Don’t ask about money/benefits Ask the interviewer about their background NEVER say anything negative about a previous employer
During the Interview Face to Face Interview Be conscious of body language Make sure to ask your list of questions Express interest and ask what the next step is….
After the Interview Send a thank you note Follow Up Etiquette
Creative Financial Staffing (CFS) is the world’s largest privately owned accounting and financial placement firm. Understanding & delivering: We understand the requirements of our clients and we have the resources to provide these clients with exceptional talent. Highly qualified professionals at every level: We ensure the quality of our recruits by subjecting them to some of the most rigorous screening in the industry. As a result, major employers (Fortune 500 companies, privately-owned companies, and small businesses) increasingly rely on CFS to staff crucial positions ranging from CFOs to accounting clerks. Personal attention: Time and time again our clients commend us on our individual focus and service. Client and recruit satisfaction is the most important part of our business, and we work hard to ensure that each placement we do is the absolute best.