The Catholic Mass
What is the purpose of Mass? Complete the K-W-L Chart on your handout What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned (complete after)
The Mass The Catholic Mass is the service where there are readings, a homily and the consecration of the Eucharist Consecrated Eucharist: the bread and wine transform into the real presence of Jesus Homily: The priest speaks about the readings and how they apply to our lives today The Mass is the celebration of the Eucharist Roman Catholics see the Mass as a very important event
The Mass Eucharist is a Greek term for the Jewish meal blessing Eucharist is a celebration of God’s continuing care and His presence. The Eucharist is the most important part of the Mass because it’s the consecration and distribution of Holy Communion
The Mass At the end of Mass, Catholics are sent out into the world to use the instruction of God in their daily lives The key is that Catholics believe that Jesus Christ is a part of history, but sacramentally present in matter and form
4 Main Parts of the Mass: Gathering Prayers The Word The Eucharist Sending Forth
Gathering Prayers The Lord bring us together We ask for forgiveness We give glory to God
The Word We listen to the Word of God We proclaim our faith We pray for the whole world
The Eucharist We present to God the bread and the wine which become the body and blood of Jesus We give thanks to God With Jesus, we offer our lives to God We pray the “Our Father” We give each other a sign of Jesus’ peace During communion, we receive Jesus as our food
Sending Forth The Lord sends us home to live the gospel
Colours at Mass
Have you ever noticed that the priest wears different colours at different times in the year? Do you think he's being fashionable or is there a purpose to changing colours? What do you think red, purple, green and white represent?
Vestment Colours Vestment colours are used to represent the mood being celebrated. The colours for the altar cloth and celebrants (priests) sash will be of this colour. There are four possible vestment colours.
RED The priest wears red on the Feasts of Martyrs Martyrs are people who were killed because of a religious belief Red signifies blood Priest would wear red on days focused on Jesus’ death (Good Friday, Psalm Sunday)
PURPLE Priests wear purple during the Advent and Lent Seasons. Pink is worn on the third Sunday of Advent. The purple represents sorrow and suffering Suffering awaiting the arrival of the Savior (Advent), and suffering to mark Christ’s 40 days in the desert (Lent)
GREEN A Priest wears green during ordinary time Green is the symbol of hope
WHITE OR GOLD Priests wear white during the Christmas and Easter Season White symbolizes life A priest wears white for funerals (celebrating life as oppose to mourning)
Important Terms Transubstantiation: the change of the substance of bread and wine into that of the body and blood of Christ Church Tabernacles: A small cupboard, chest or cabinet in which the consecrated hosts are kept Priest: an ordained minister of the Catholic Church. Only priests can consecrate the Eucharist
Present in 10 Minutes Forms of Prayer in Mass Group work (Prayer) Read the prayer Identify the FORM of the prayer Using chart paper: write what this prayer is about in your own words Present in 10 Minutes