Welcome to season 2015! Your services are invaluable in enabling GUFC to organise and run games of football for the players. Thank You! Overview of the Season Key Contacts Match Day Arrangements Rules and Regulations Referees Coaching
SEASON /HOME FIELDS Season Timings (Junior) First Half - Saturday 2 May to Saturday 27 June (with June Long Weekend off – 6 June) Second Half – Saturday 18 July to Saturday 5 Sep Fixture Lists To be published this week All games at Harrison for all U5- U9 Weeks 1 and 2
Player contact list Sent electronically to you Problems with contact lists Working with Vulnerable People New laws in the ACT this year
SEASON /HOME FIELDS GUFC Coaching Manual All necessary details for the season incl: Ground Locations Game Formats (Feld Size, playing times… Referee Fees ………. Everything else you need Wet Weather If in doubt, assume the game / training is still on. CHECK THE GUFC WEBSITE/ FACEBOOK!!
PositionName Coaching CoordinatorSteve Ujdur Points CoordinatorBrad Doohan Referees Co-ordinator/ Vice President Andrew Preston PresidentRicardo Alberto Club Mobile: or
EQUIPMENT Playing Kit Equipment is issued to coach/manager for the entire season. Enquiries/problems to Return of Equipment - Presentation Day to Harrison Pavilion or as advised. Please take care of your kit. A complete kit is worth between $500 - $1000
TRAINING GROUNDS Ground Bookings At least five (5) working days notice Harrison, Nicholls Playing Fields & Palmerston Use the goal areas sparingly!! Please make sure you observe ground booking times to alleviate any issues with crowding and field availability.
EQUIPMENT Uniform Shorts & socks are available for purchase at the clubhouse Clash of strips - Home team must wear the alternate or bibs. Available from Pavilion and must be returned washed ASAP All playing shirts remain GUFC property and ARE NOT TO BE ISSUED TO INDIVIDUALS.
EQUIPMENT Appropriate Gear and Protective Equipment It is a FIFA Law of the Game all players should not wear anything that is dangerous to them or any other player. Including: Caps/hats with hard brims Plaster or fibreglass casts Jewellery (no taping) Skins are now allowed – Must be same colour as shorts (black).
EQUIPMENT Appropriate Gear and Protective Equipment Players must wear: Boots & shin-guards fully covered by socks Referees WILL check. Additionally shin-guards and boots are required to be worn for all training sessions and it is suggested players remove jewellery for training sessions.
INTRODUCTION Match Day Responsibilities Stay off the cricket pitches Keep people away from behind goals Make sure your teams picks up their rubbish Field Setup and Packup See Field Allocations Lists each week Canteen Roster for Teams (Once per team U8/U9 and some U7) Field Setup/Packup Roster (U6/U7/U8)
FIELD SETUP Field Setup The club needs the help of all teams in setting up the fields for play Please make sure you get your team parents to assist in set up/pack up Do not allow any child to swing from the goal posts as there have been fatalities from people doing so in the past Dogs are banned from all ACT sportsgrounds – their presence could result in fines from the Rangers
INJURIES Player Injuries - First Aid There are first aid kits at our home grounds and some Club officials are first aid qualified or sports trainers. DO NOT pick up/move an injured player. If you suspect a fracture, leave the player where they are. If a Neck/Back injury is suspected the player MUST NOT BE MOVED Have someone stay with any injured player to reassure them, make as comfortable as possible Any significant injury MUST BE written on the match record.
Tournaments Kanga Cup Young, Cowra … others Speak to Ricardo or
REFEREE APPOINTMENT / FEEDBACK Appointment of Referees The GUFC Referee Coordinator will appoint a qualified referee to home games. If no referee is appointed a parent may referee the games (away team has first option to provide a referee) Assist the Referees Coaches and Managers are asked to give full assistance to referees, both on and off the field. Coaches and Managers should not criticise referee decisions or officials at the field. There is a dispute feedback process USE IT! Use the Referee Evaluation Form from Coaching Manual Appendix and send it to the GUFC Referee Coordinator - Andrew Preston at
REFEREE MATCH FEES Referee Match Payments – U5-U9 No referees are provided for U5-U7. A coach from each side may be on the field to guide players. A roaming referee will approach coaches if rules are not being adhered to. U8 and U9 referees are paid directly by the club. No payment is required to be made by coaches either home or away.
COACHING ASSISTANCE Coaching Courses & Accreditation GUFC provides all new coaches with the opportunity to complete fantastic grassroots coaching course (free) CF also provides other coaching courses at all levels GUFC sponsored courses. If interested contact the Coaching Coordinator For a summary of Coaching information in one place, please refer to the GUFC Coaching and Technical Manual