e-FOREM: Distance e-learning project From e-learning experiences towards to define the FOREM’s e-learning model FOREM, May 2007
FOREM e-learning project: main objectives 1.Defining the FOREM’s e-learning model and recent activities in distance learning 2. e-learning courses operative management process at e-learning courses 3.Production process to building courses at e-FOREM LMS ( e-learning plattform Moodle based) and SCORM standard based
1. Defining the FOREM’s e-learning model and recent activities in distance learning 1996/2000 Experiences telematics based on BBS, computer conferencing systems) 2000/2007 Experiences e-learning based, LMS platforms Now: To consolidate the FOREM’s e- learning model.
Distance learning, e-learning, online and FOREM Distance learning: traditional distance learning through postal mail, phone and Telematics based Computer conferencing Teletraining in LMS based Online 100% e-learning E-learning courses standards AICC y SCORM based FOREM has had carriying out different learning courses in each models We accept proposals from our clients depending needs and facilities We don’t close any proposal due to a modality. Adapting to customer’s client
Our clients: Trade Union CC.OO. CC.OO. General Trade Union CC.OO. Specific sectorial federations of workers ( Administration, education, bank, Communications and transports workers and so on) FOREM’s network centres in Spain Another companies So we have 2 main ways of work: Courses fees: Granted access students workers to courses by public support. Students doesn’t pay anything to involve in courses.
e-learning model for further training Specific for further education, people are learning after working Professional qualification oriented Based in a LMS plattform building at moodle system (open source) Learning scenarios: Activities zone: online, offline, documents references Communication zone: students to teacher, forums,videoconference, Information zone: downloading zone, FAQ, bibliography and web references Students activities oriented supported by tutor
Course design at e-FOREM model Course adapted and designed to client requirements Students: work at LMS plattform, review contents, answer tests and quizzes and send exercises Teacher work: review and evaluate work from students and send guidelines to make better Work alone in exercises and tests Work in groupclass at a Forum or course conference in each course Courses based in the contribution to the group discussion and collaborative learning Each course has an activity plan of action and work
e-learning course contents access Length recomended: 30 to 60 hours/ 5 to 9 weeks Acces to contents: online contents + CD interactive + Course guideline + extra documents Information disposable at LMS: Course news, downloading files, extra documents to improve further knowledge Access to contents depending course design Forum discussion at group class: debates, work in pairs, short rearches, etc. Improve to involve all the people in a course All are convenience for a global evaluation course activities No invididual learning at a distance; moreover is a group learning activities in a social context of a course focussed in the forum.
About topics in Courses Social topics, agents for equality man and women training programmes Labour Guidance to workers Teaching to teachers Informatics ( Microsoft Office XP) Professional Informatics Human Resources Management Quality and environtmental management Prevention to health and safety at workplace And other specific courses by demand of CCOO sector federation of workers Figures of FOREM 2006, 6970 students and 144 courses