Conference Planning An ACEware Webinar
Course Setup ◦Planning.. Planning.. And more Planning ◦Fee Structure Name & Reg UDF’s (finding space to store stuff!) Workshops & Breakout Sessions Supplemental Data Capture Pages (web stuff) Reports – Conference Planners Should Know Vendors To be or Not to be Agenda
Playing nicely with others Consider fees, form design that follows Student Manager screen layout, workshops, etc.
Course Setup The hardest part is at the Start… Think First.. Type Later.. ◦Fees ◦Workshops ◦Extra data
Course Setup
Conference Fees
Can’t find a fee? Click the plus sign next to Fee Description to add a new fee. This takes you to the Code Editor where you can add additional fee descriptors
Conference Fee Rules You can assess only one mandatory fee per individual
Conference Fee Rules But, sell the heck out of the extras!
Early Bird Fees Are Special! To automate Early Bird Fees set the Auto Expire option on the Course Preference Screen The Early Bird Fee will be the default fee until it expires “X” days before the conference
Tip! Need to see all fees? Click the Show All button
User Defined Fields Storing all the good info collected
What are UDF’s? Fields unique to your organization or event that are used to collect and organize data
It’s all in the details T-shirt size Specialty (musical instrument, football position) Hotel Conference Track Speaker / Panelist Special need Where would you store each piece of information? As a Name UDF or on the Registration screen?
UDF Notes UDFs are user specific - each user must enable the fields they will be using UDF Labels are global - they are labeled the same for every user You can data validation any UDF It is possible to use a Registration UDF to store two separate pieces of information, as long as the conferences are separate events
To Validate UDF fields Place a plus sign before the label on the preference screen Return to the Additional Information tab to locate the UDF. The field you set up for data validation will now have a Plus Sign [+] button to the left of the field. Click it to enter the values for the field.
Workshops Pre & Post Conference, Workshops, Breakout sessions, Special Events
Once a course is set for “Workshop” the “Workshops” option button becomes available.
Workshop Screen If previous workshops exist, you may need to click the “Add” button
Register Conference Attendees On the Registration Screen click the workshop button. This allows you to select the appropriate workshop for the attendee. (Removing the check removes the individual from the workshop.)
Register Conference Attendees Clicking OK on the Workshop Screen returns you to the Registration Screen. All appropriate charges & workshops are listed. Click “Save” to save & continue Workshops
Entering Workshop Grades E is for Edit. Click the E button to add grades, & edit workshop hours
A note about workshop coding Your workshop coding scheme should aid in generating reports and registering students. ACEware suggests generating workshop codes using the following format: Workshop Code Example: AA01$$25 A – Day of workshop A – Time Period (8-9, 9-10, etc.) 01 - Sessions in Time Period (01=session 1 in time period A, 02=session 2 in time period A, etc.) $$25 - Special notations ($$25=$25 Additional Fee)
Workshop Reports
Reports / Workshops / Enrollment Summary
Reports / Workshops / Rosters & Certificates
Workshop Report Functions SELEWORK – Used to build registrant’s Workshop schedule and/or Attendance Rosters. SELEWORK QUIKWORK – Used to list selected information about registrant’s workshops. This function is most commonly used in confirmations/receipts. It gives you several format options for determining which information you want to include (i.e. Title only; Title and Note; Title, Leader and Note; etc.). QUIKWORK You may use the following report functions to access workshop information in other reports areas such as: Name Rosters, Confirmation Letters, and Registration Receipts.
Half Life Report
Supplemental Data Capture Pages Advice on developing conference web pages
Supplemental Data Capture Page
Creating a Supplemental Data Capture Page Download DataCapture.htm from the ACEware website and edit Additional instructions are available in the help files Why Create a Supplemental Data Capture Page To collect additional information about the attendee
Express Reg Allows you to by-pass the traditional registration process by providing a “one page” registration Direct link from your web page or marketing pieces Collects all data on single page, including personal data, course fees, workshop selections (if applicable), and payment information HTML pages have no ability to display data from Student Manager Script pages can display data from Student Manager, and provide logon capabilities
Express Reg Sample script page Custom programming of the Express Reg page is for those with no advanced HTML experience, or for organizations with specialized needs. For more info contact your ACEware technician
Vendors Part of the whole, Or in a class by themselves?
Questions? Next Webinar: Search Engine Optimization Nov 18 th 2:00 pm CST