WELCOME! Gig Harbor High School Incoming Tides Class of 2017 April 2, 2013
Counseling Team Kim Lubin A – Bar Lillian Amrine Bas – F Jen Clarke G– Lau Todd Dempewolf Law – Rof Todd Davis Rog – Z Dave Burmark Career Counselor Lorraine McCormick Career Center Specialist Kim Lubin Social Worker Julie Barnett Psychologist Karen Lindberg Secretary Marilyn McBride Registrar
High School Graduation Requirements 22 credits, 17 of which target specific courses Meet Standard on High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE) in Reading and Writing & End of Course Assessment in Algebra, Geometry and Biology Senior Culminating Project/Presentation High School & Beyond Plan
Freshman Course Selections Pre AP English 9 Lab Science 9 Math PE 9 Student’s will choose 2-4 elective classes
Freshman Course Selections (cont.) Parent Participation—signature Check Prerequisites Teacher Permission: Required for designated classes only Alternates: Needed for elective classes Course Catalog on GHHS website
SOCIAL STUDIES??? Social Studies is not required for freshmen BUT we highly recommend that they take a World Cultures class to help fulfill the .5 Social Studies Elective credit. The alternate will be the Contemporary World Problems course in grade 11 or 12
Math Placement Criteria: Current class and level of performance Middle School Teacher recommendation Algebra Geometry Algebra 2 MSP and other standardized test scores Explore Math assessment
Science course selection Lab Science 9 Biology: Placement based upon student/guardian understanding of science graduation requirement (EOC exam), Geometry or higher math and expected 4 year science plan.
Honors Options World Cultures Honors B or better in middle school Social Studies Teacher signature required
Beyond High School Entry requirements for further education vary--refer to “ABC Plan” handout High School & Beyond Plan reviewed annually with students during guidance units
HOW DOES MY STUDENT REGISTER FOR CLASSES? READ AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS on the handout given to your student Log on to your Parent Portal from the PSD website Any questions? Ask the current MS counselor
When will schedules be available? Check Parent Portal in Mid-August We will send out more information later
Fall Sports Participation Football (August 21) Girl’s Soccer, Volleyball, Girl’s Swimming, Cross Country, Cheer, Boy’s Tennis, Dance (August 26) Eligibility Requirements 2.0 GPA Passing 5 of 6 courses High school physical required wernerr@psd401.net/253.530.1407
Important Dates Registration: Pick Up Goodman : April 1 April 4 Kopachuck : April 2 April 5 Lighthouse: March 27 April 3 Spring Visit: Monday, June 10 Schedules Available Online: Mid August Ninth Grade Parent Orientation: Thursday, TBD
Class of 2017 We look forward to having you and your student as part of our Tides Family!!