Multiplying & Dividing Integers
State the rule for multiplying and dividing integers…. If the signs are the same, If the signs are different, the answer will be positive. the answer will be negative.
1. -8 * 3 What ’ s The Rule? Different Signs Negative Answer * -61 Same Signs Positive Answer (-3)(6)(1) Just take Two at a time (-18)(1) ÷ (-3) (20/-5) - (-4) Start inside ( ) first
7. At midnight the temperature is 8°C. If the temperature rises 4°C per hour, what is the temperature at 6 am? How long Is it from Midnight to 6 am? How much does the temperature rise each hour? 6 hours +4 degrees (6 hours)(4 degrees per hour) = 24 degrees 8° + 24° = 32°C Add this to the original temp.
8. A deep-sea diver must move up or down in the water in short steps in order to avoid getting a physical condition called the bends. Suppose a diver moves up to the surface in five steps of 11 feet. Represent her total movements as a product of integers, and find the product. W h a t d o e s T h i s m e a n ? Multiply (5 steps) (11 feet) (55 feet) 5 * 11 = 55