ICONICS Worldwide Customer Summit – September 2006 Jim Desrosiers SNMP Data Mining for IT Connectivity
SNMP Importance Why SNMP is Important in today’s SCADA systems
SNMP Data Mining Features SNMP-to-the-Core Fully integrated into ICONICS FrameWorX GUI developed around user needs Full exploration of SNMP Auto-detection of Device Types with fancy recognizable ICONs MIB parser with no limits on the number of OIDs that can be imported
SNMP Data Mining Features Auto-discovery of Managed Devices Possible to scan whole networks with one command Configurable time-out for the Ping function Multi-threaded design provides fast response Supports the ability to use SNMP data as tags (just as you would use OPC DA tags)
SNMP Key Components Three key components: Managed devices (network elements) - Network node that contains an SNMP agent and that resides on a managed network. Managed devices collect and store management information and make this information available to NMSs using SNMP. Managed devices, sometimes called network elements, can be routers and access servers, switches and bridges, hubs, computer hosts, or printers Agents - Network-management software module that resides in a managed device. An agent has local knowledge of management information and translates that information into a form compatible with SNMP. Network-management system (NMS) - An NMS executes applications that monitor and control managed devices. One or more NMSs must exist on any managed network.
SNMP Protocol - OIDs OID – Object Identifier The “OPC Tagname” in the IT World Each Object (piece of information) is identified by a series of numbers Unique definition Cisco (9) Enterprise (1) Private (4) Internet (1) DOD (6) Identified Organization (3) ISO (1)
OID Tree Example Branch of the MIB Identifier Tree for one of Cisco’s products
What is a MIB? MIB – Management Information Base ASCII text file that describes an SNMP Network Element as a list of data objects Translates numeric strings into Human Readable text Provides the data type of each OID
What the ICO MIB Looks Like
MIB Identifier Tree Example Branch of the MIB Identifier Tree for the ICONICS SNMP Simulator
SNMP Basic Commands Read Used to Monitor Managed Devices Write Used to Control Managed Devices Trap Used by Managed Devices to asynchronously report (report by exception) events
SNMP Configurator Device Tree MIB Tree Information about The Device/Object Selected in left pane Functions to Customize the GUI Network Device Exploration – Enter beginning And ending IP Addresses Options to: - Retrieve DNS Name - Cache the MIB Launch the Explorer
SNMP Explorer GUI similar to the Unified Data Browser’s GUI Easy to recognize the Device types because of the ICONs Possible to explore the Objects supported by each discovered device (using the MIB) Human Readable names are provided if the MIB for the device is contained In the database (otherwise OID number is displayed) If the SNMP root is selected In the left pane, the right Pane will list the devices and their Well-known types
SNMP Explorer Part 2 Selected Values Are moved to the Upper pane (like UDB) When bottom of tree Reached, shows the Leaves, with data types (if MIB is present) Tooltip provides detailed information Current value Of Object
SNMP Tag Browsing SNMP Tab in the Unified Data Browser Shows ICONs and Human Read-able descriptions
SNMP Agents Microsoft SNMP Agent plugins Expose useful data through SNMP protocol Data available to all SNMP NMS - Open View - Tivoli - Other agents MIB files available for every agent
SNMP Simulator Agent SNMP Simluator Agent Simulates Network data - Printer (ink level, paper level, alarms, …) - Router (routing table, …) - Computer (HD usage, memory usage) - Simulated signals (sin, ramp, …) - Other (fans, tempeature) Used for GenDemo displays
SNMP MonitorWorX Agent Almost all MWX information exposed - Site key - Processes running - Licensing information - Redundancy GraphWorX displays with MWX data - MWX data available via WebHMI all over the network
The world of SNMP Third party Management Systems SNMP protocol is a standard Information available to all SNMP applications - MIB Files specify the data structure to the NMS - SNMP agents send the data - Nothing else is needed MonitorWorX management available on existing infrastructures
MIB Browser
ICONICS Worldwide Customer Summit – September 2006 James Phelps AlarmWorX Multimedia
AlarmWorx MultiMedia Responsive
Product Enhancements System Wide Enhancements Enhancements Found in All Agents Alarm Prioritization Highest Priority Played First Optional First In First Out Post Alarm Transaction Notifies User of Hardware Failure Makes Use of Selected Agent SAPI 5.1 Language Aliasing
New Agents - Live Communciation Server Microsoft’s Real Time Collaboration Platform Control of Server Data Secure Integration With Microsoft Server System Instant Messaging Voice Over IP
New Agents - Skype Skype 200 Million Users Low Cost Free Add-on Instant Messaging Voice Over IP
New Agents Continued. System Tray Dialog GraphWorX Switching Automitic Switching of a Display Based on Alarm. Does not Launch a New Instance of GraphWorX