Transforming lives through learning Dr. Paul Griffiths Public Engagement Lead, Scotland’s Environment Web Stuart McGrath Development Officer, Citizen Science, Education Scotland
Transforming lives through learning * Introduction to role * ‘Get Learning’ pages * Air quality * Knowledge and understanding – ‘’ * Relevance to the lives of learners * Citizen science * Comments
Transforming lives through learning Role created and funded jointly between Scotland’s Environment and Education Scotland. Promotion of citizen science activities, resources and methods amongst Scotland’s learners and practitioners Development of Scotland’s Environment website as an educational resource
Transforming lives through learning Example of Get Learning page
Transforming lives through learning Air quality: good way of engaging young people and communities as links to curriculum, relevant to their own lives, emotional connection, good range of maps, data, websites, apps and resources
Transforming lives through learning Use taskcards to work through page Related to Bloom’s revised Taxonomy (explanation on back of taskcard) Can answer on sheet Take away with you An example of how teacher can use air quality information as a resource (as an introduction to a wider topic).
Transforming lives through learning Using Scotland’s Environment website in learning and teaching activities Just one example – a range of ways to use the site Including: infographics data graphs maps climate information Project Finder
Transforming lives through learning OPAL Surveys