Patent Basics Presented by Kate Holvoet Library and Learning Commons.


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Presentation transcript:

Patent Basics Presented by Kate Holvoet Library and Learning Commons

What are you going to get out of this presentation?  Basic understanding of what a patent is (and isn’t)  Be able to identify several intellectual property organizations that present searchable patent databases online  Learn the process for a simple patent search and where to go to get more help

What is a patent?  a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention. – Google search definition  What does the government get for granting a patent? public disclosure of the invention when the patent is granted*

Intellectual Property Organizations  GCC Patent Office GCC Patent Office  # of granted patents (2002-present) 2701*  World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) Patent Cooperation Treaty PATENTSCOPE World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) Patent Cooperation Treaty PATENTSCOPE  # of granted patents in the database* (1970 – present) over 32,000,000 (277 associated with the UAE)  United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)  # of patents granted (1836-present) over 8,000,000 (255 associated with the UAE)

Who can apply for a patent?  USPTO – applications must be by or in the name of the actual inventor. The person or entity that owns the rights to the patent is the Assignee.  Rest of the world – the person or entity that owns the rights to the patent

What can be patented? (USPTO) Utility patents are provided for a new, nonobvious and useful:  Process  Machine  Article of manufacture  Composition of matter  Improvement of any of the above In addition to utility patents patent protection is available for (1) ornamental design of an article of manufacture or (2) asexually reproduced plant varieties by design and plant patents.

What can’t be patented? (USPTO)  Laws of nature  Physical phenomena  Abstract ideas  Literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works (these can be Copyright protected).  Inventions which are: Not useful (such as perpetual motion machines); or Offensive to public morality

How long do patent protections last?  USPTO – Utility patents are good from the date of filing through 20 years no matter how long it took to be granted Design patents are good from the date of filing through 14 years  GCC Patents – 16 years from the date granted*

Why bother looking at Patents?  Due diligence in a patent application  Assess the state of a technology  Business information

How are patents organized?  Common patent descriptor fields Patent Number Names (inventor, assignee, applicant) Dates Classification*  Each database is different

Searching the USPTO patent databaseUSPTO patent database

Current US classification search

Searching by Assignee

Design Patents

Google Patent Search

Where can you get help with patent searching?  Kate Holvoet (me)  Takamul program – Abu Dhabi government program to assist the entrepreneur (and universities) from idea to application Takamul program