May 28, 2015
Ease your worries about the transition process Provide you with information/access to more information, if you need/want it. Introduce you to a few key people Answer your most pressing questions
Introductions Organizational Structure of QMS Major Differences Between Middle School and Elementary School Common Concerns Student Voices Daily Logistics Planned Transition Activities Questions/Answers
QMS Administrative Team Suzanne Ryan Kerri Sankey Mark DeGirolamo Jim Leonard - Assistant Special Education Director (QMS/MHS) Christine Kalinowski - Math Department Chair Patti Coyne – JJ Coordinator of Summer Achievement Academy Lynn Cavicchi - PAC President Pam Reith - Surviving Parent
House Model House 1House 2 Assistant Principal Guidance Counselor(s) 6 th - Navy6 th - Purple6 th - Orange6 th -Yellow 7 th - Blue7 th - Gold7 th - Aqua7 th - Red 8 th Grade Guidance Counselor 8 th - Bronze8 th - Silver8 th - Green8 th - White
Teaming Grading Increased expectations Increased independence, responsibility, and pressure Other changes Hormonal and physical changes Communication
Teams Composed of 4 content teachers who share a common group of students Math Social Studies ELA Science
Teaming provides: Greater student support by fostering collaboration between teachers The opportunity for clear and consistent communication around team-wide expectations, and support between school and home Increased opportunity for students to build connections with teachers Balance of teacher personalities All students are assigned to a team 4 teams in each grade (2 in each house) Team classroom are located close together
Grading/increased academic expectations Numerical grading Promotion policy Increased independence, responsibility, peer pressures Locker, materials, schedule, homework, after school, balancing school/friends/activities Hormonal/physical changes Change in communication Students/parents – one word responses (good, fine, nothing) School/parents – more adults
Basic Needs… Lockers – Will I be able to open my lock? Lunch – What is for lunch? Will I be able to see my friends? Safety – What if I get lost? Will anyone pick on me? Academic Challenges – How much homework will I have? Are the classes much harder? Are the teachers mean? Bus – Are older kids on the bus? Where do I sit?
Required Core Classes (Full year) ELA Math Science Social Studies Required Specials (Part of the year) Computers/Art PE/Health Other: ASB – Academic Support Block Reading Study skills Elective classes Band/Orchestra
6 period day Each period is 58 minutes Schedule rotates each day (6 day cycle) Parents will not understand the schedule Your children will master it very quickly - within the first two weeks Locker breaks are built into the schedule Tip – Keep a copy at home (PE days, etc.)
ABCDEF 1 MathELAComputers/ Art MathELAComputers/ Art 2 ELAScienceMathELAScienceMath 3 ScienceComputers/ Art Science Computers/ Art Science 4 Social Studies 5 ASB/Band/ Orchestra PE/HealthASB/Band/ Orchestra PE/HealthASB/Band/ Orchestra PE/Health 6 Computers/ Art MathELAComputers/ Art MathELA
Hours – 7:25-1:49 Doors open 7:10 – 6 th graders wait in cafeteria Dismissal 1:49 – buses line up out front Lunch All 6 th graders eat together 20 minutes Same PIN code After school help Monday-Thursday 1:49-2:20 After school activities Monday – Thursday 1:49-3:00 Bus/late bus
Get involved! After school Study center Student Council Art club Intramurals/fitness club Ski Club Book Chat Common connections club French club Yearbook Drama Creating Writing/Hornet’s Hive Percussion ensemble/Wind ensemble/ Jazz ensemble Tri-M Music Honor Society Math team Robotics
TeacherTeam LiaisonCounselorAssistant PrincipalPrincipal
QMS Visit – 6/1-6/4 6 th Grade Guidance Counselors/Team Liaisons/Student Representative visit all 5 th grade classroom Student generated questions Move Up Days - 6/4 and 6/9 All 5 th grade students visit QMS; tour; meet administration/students/teachers Jump Start – offered sessions 1-5 Summer Achievement Academy Open Door Day – 8/27
Be positive, relaxed, and reassuring about the transition… they will be okay! Establish expectations School is a priority Attendance matters Homework helps – set up a quiet, central work place Organization Communication is the key– progress reports, report cards, regular updates Reach out if you need help or have questions Mrs. Reith…
Team assignments will be mailed out in mid- August Summer reading – information will be provided by JJ teachers; QMS websites Updated supply lists will be posted on the website Bus information (posted on website) Curriculum Night – chance to meet teachers and hear about specifics of each course Meetings/progress updates as needed Progress reports/report cards QMS website PAC…