Year 9 Trip to Paris 2013 Dartford Grammar School for Girls
What we will be doing… Activities We will travel to Paris by Coach, Ferry and in Paris we will be using local transport (trains.)Throughout the trip we will be visiting many different famous tourist attractions in Paris which will be given in more detail within your information booklet. We will be staying in a hotel near the centre of Paris (All meals will be provided during the day and we will be staying in City Résidence Marne-La- Vallée-Bry-Sur-Marne.
Required Items for the Trip Suitable clothing (p16-17 of planners) Suitable shoes that are comfortable (preferably old shoes) Stationery; notepad and pens for notes Backpack to take out in the day Camera Sun Cream Hat etc. Water Bottle Toiletries etc. Night Clothes Swimming Costume (no bikinis) You are allowed to bring mobile phones but prohibited to use them after 10.30pm (hotel rules.)
Activities Some of these activities we will be doing include; The Eiffel Tower, Louvre and Disneyland Paris. Although your daughter should have as much fun as possible, she is encouraged to make notes which will help when completing the project back at school. Each day will consist of 3 activities, morning, afternoon and evening and a meal will provided in between each activity.
Monday AM – Travelling PM – Notre Dame Paris Evening – Unpacking and having a look around the town near where we are staying
Tuesday AM – Disneyland Paris (1 day, 2 parks) ALL DAY Bring Spending Money
Wednesday AM – Eiffel Tower (to the top) PM – Louvre (sightseeing) Evening – Illuminations of Paris Night Tour
Thursday AM – Aquaboulevard Water Park (till 4.30pm) Evening - Cirque Diana Moreno Bormann
Friday AM – La Grande Arche PM – The Montparnasse Tower Evening – Travelling
Itinerary MONDAYTravelling Notre Dame Paris Unpack TUESDAYDisneyland Paris (ALL DAY) - - WEDNESDAYEiffel Tower Louvre Night Tour THURSDAYAquaboulevard Water Park - Circus FRIDAYLa Grande Arche Montparnasse Tower Travelling Breakfast: This will be provided by the hotel each morning. Lunch: Most days the students will have a pack lunch made for them by the hotel but some days we will let them decide. Dinner: This includes – Bistro Romain Leon de Bruxelles Not all nights have been confirmed.
Costs Number of Students attending the trip: 36 Number of Adults attending the trip: 4 Total Cost: €20, £17, Per Student: € £485.87
Thank You Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have. Please find one of the staff around the hall. We are looking forward to seeing you on the trip.