Urban Coalition for HIV Prevention Services (UCHAPS) SF HIV Prevention Planning Group November 9, 2006
About UCHAPS The Urban Coalition for HIV/AIDS Prevention Services (UCHAPS) is a coalition of the seven local jurisdictions that are directly funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to plan, implement and evaluate HIV prevention programs. Collectively, these cities represent more than a 1/3 of the nation’s HIV/AIDS cases and the epicenters of the urban HIV epidemic.
UCHAPS includes the following jurisdictions: City of Chicago City of Houston Los Angeles County New York City City of Philadelphia The City and County San Francisco Washington D.C. (City/State)
UCHAPS Mission UCHAPS seeks to bring enhanced and focused attention and resources to urban centers which have faced a disproportionate burden of infection throughout the history of the epidemic. The impact of HIV/AIDS in these areas has been compounded by the number of HIV infections among those citizens most disenfranchised from traditional systems of medical and health care.
UCHAPS Mission (cont.) UCHAPS believes that by working together, members can enhance the federal and local responses to HIV and AIDS in urban environments. This mission can be accomplished by UCHAPS through individual and collaborative efforts to educate and inform elected and appointed leaders in all branches of the federal government.
UCHAPS Structure Each UCHAPS jurisdiction has four representatives: One community member must be the co-chair of the community planning group and one government representative must be from the health department. As a body, UCHAPS utilizes the community planning model. Two Co Chairs: One Community and one Government co-chair. Governed by a seven member steering committee that must have a balance of community and governmental representatives. Work Groups (committees)
UCHAPS Goals Strengthen partnership between CDC and directly funded jurisdictions to address HIV prevention issues. Increase awareness of HIV prevention and program issues among federal, state, and local policy makers. Provide information to Congress, CDC, and the public about the need for adequate funding levels for HIV prevention activities and ensuring appropriate funding levels to highly impacted urban areas.
UCHAPS Goals Articulate an urban agenda related to HIV prevention and other related urban health issues such as sexually transmitted diseases, drug use and tuberculosis. Share information among the UCHAPS jurisdictions about interventions and strategies that address HIV risks for urban target populations and increase the effectiveness of the HIV prevention community planning process.
UCHAPS Technical Assistance (TA)
One of UCHAPS’ critical roles is to facilitate information sharing opportunities between the member jurisdictions to increase the effectiveness of HIV prevention programming and the community planning process. UCHAPS Peer Technical Assistance
UCHAPS Peer TA Model Importance of Peer TA: Cost effectiveness Expand partnerships Share lessons learned Influence prevention policy
UCHAPS Peer TA Model - Topics Community Planning Advancing HIV Prevention Implementation Evidence Based Interventions HIV Counseling and Testing in the era of Rapid Testing Integration of Federal Funding Sources
UCHAPS Peer TA Model - Topics Prevention with Positives Rapid Testing Implementation Special Emphasis Populations STD and Crystal Meth among MSM Transgender Initiatives
Evidence of Lesson Learned Chicago: Incorporated Philadelphia’s model of integrating prevention and care. Houston: Contract Reimbursement fashioned after Philadelphia’s system. Los Angeles: Used information from San Francisco in the implementation of Disclosure Assistance. Philadelphia: Adapted Chicago & San Francisco’s priority setting models for their own priority setting process. San Francisco: Used information from LA’s RFP process and incorporated it into their own. Washington, DC: Used information from HIV Testing presentations to launch local initiatives.
National Work AIDS Action: UCHAPS is a consortium member of AIDS Action Council and working with AIDS Action Foundation to expand TA. PEMS National Partner: UCHAPS is one of four national partners working with CDC on revamping the data requirements required by PEMS. Representing UCHAPS at national meetings and consultations: Planning for the HIV Prevention Conference, Partner Counseling and Referral Services Consultation, Opportunities for Improving HIV Diagnosis, Prevention & Access to Care in the US Meeting. Rapid HIV Testing: Identifying and developing best practices documents.
Next Steps Further develop organizational structure. Expand UCHAPS membership to other urban areas Build partnerships with the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) and AIDS Action Foundation to expand opportunities for Technical Assistance and development of best practices documents to share with other urban areas. To sponsor and join the executive committee of the HIV Prevention Leadership Summit
Next Steps (cont.) 2007 TA Topics: 1) Geo-mapping (February, Miami) 2) Populations (specifically AA women) with high sero-positivity who do not identify behavioral risk (May, HPLS-New Orleans) 3) Successful projects in correctional settings (September, D.C.) 4) Pros/Cons in current data collection/evaluation systems (December, National Prevention Conference-Atlanta)
Thank you UCHAPS Community Representatives Gayle Burns SF HPPC Community Co-Chairs Perry Rhodes III SF HPPC Community Co-Chairs UCHAPS Health Department Representatives Eileen Loughran SFDPH, HIV Prevention Section Israel Nieves-Rivera SFDPH, HIV Prevention Section