By: Dalton Yerby 3-7-12 6th period Ancient Egyptian Art By: Dalton Yerby 3-7-12 6th period
THE SPHINX The Sphinx in a perfect example of the amazing Egyptian art. It is a statue that has the body of a lion, but the head of a god. The Sphinx is located in Egypt, right outside of Cairo. It was carved from giant piece of limestone. It was constructed during the Old Kingdom, somewhere around 2400 B.C.
Egyptian Art Egyptian art is made up of simple shapes and lines. Their art depicted humans figures facing sideways. The art was not in proportion. This style of art stayed the same for hundreds of years for the the Egyptians. The drawings that appeared on walls and pillars are the most famous form of Egyptian art. The Egyptians usually used bright colors. In the time of Ramses II, the Egyptians were able to construct layered effects. ARMARNAPERIOD
ARMARNA PERIOD The Amarna period was a time of a drastic change in Egyptian art. The Armarna period took place during the reign of Akhenaten. Instead of the traditional depiction of the perfect faces and characteristics, people were portrayed with Brutal honesty. Akhenaten like the Armarna style of art. Many statues of Akhenaten were very unusual so people believed he must have been ugly, but it was probably the art style. They also gave him feminine qualities such as large hips, prominent breasts, which are unlike the chiseled features of the previous style of Egyptian art.
SYMBOLISM Almost all of the Egyptian Art is symbolism. The biggest example of Egyptian symbolism is hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics if a writing style that uses symbols that have the meanings of words. Hieroglyphics are of everyday people doing everyday things. For example, one of the pieces of art could look like a bunch of different symbols, but it could actually mean something else.
ARCHITECHTURE Some believed that the Egyptians were the greatest architects in the world. The pyramids are one of the greatest achievements of man kind. The pyramids are one of the seven wonders of world and they were built by the ancient Egyptians. The extremely large statues are also a great architectural defeat on their own.
SCULPTURE Sculptors were very important artists in Ancient Egypt. There were many statues made in Ancient Egypt like the statue (bottom right). They made statues of many things like kings and queens, gods and goddesses, and animals. Ancient Egypt was a time of amazing architecture but the sculptures and statues in ancient Egypt are unbelievable, and we should not overlook them.
THE PYRAMIDS Pyramids are large stone structures built by the Egyptians to hold the pharaoh's body. They are made of 2 million giant stones, each weighing around 2.5 tons. The Great pyramids stand about 500 feet in the air. They were the tallest structures for over 4000 years. What is so amazing about the Great Pyramids is that they were built without special tools, or even wheels.