Mirroring the Methods of the Master Apprentice of Jesus Christian Accountability Workshop 5/15 Mirroring the Methods of the Master Investing in Disciples Equipping Disciple Makers
CHRISTIAN ACCOUNTABILITY “God will not be mocked and cannot be deceived; the character of every man will be clearly revealed in the sight of God and in the sight of man himself. All self-deception will be banished. Every man will see himself as he appears in the sight of God… His conscience will be so enlightened as to recognize the justice of the sentence which the righteous judge shall pronounce upon him.” Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology
ACCOUNTABILITY Accountability to God * Having our character, motives, words, and behavior (i.e., our lives) weighed and measured by Christ in the light of His standards as preserved in His righteous Word.
Accountability to Another Person * Openly and willingly submitting our character, motives, words, and behavior (i.e., our lives) to be weighed and measured by trusted friends in the light of God’s righteous Word for the purpose of preparing us for the final Day of Reckoning when we will give an account of our lives to Christ. * by John Musselman The Jackson Institute
ACCOUNTABILITY One Appointment “So then each one of us shall give account of himself to God” (Romans 14:12)
ACCOUNTABILITY Principle 1 Principle 2 Giving An Accounting to God is Mandatory For All (Romans 14:10, Ecclesiastes 3:17) Principle 2 All Secrets Will Be Exposed (Psalms 11:4, 139:1-6) Every Careless Word (Matthew 12:36) Things Hidden in the Darkness, Motives (I Corinthians 4:5, Ecclesiastes 12:14)
Principle 3 Principle 4 ACCOUNTABILITY The Quantity and Quality of Our Work Will Be Measured - Steward (Luke 12:42, I Corinthians 4:1, Matthew 25:19) - Quantity of their work (Matthew 25:14) - Quality of the fruit (John 15:1) Principle 4 Christ Will Judge Us Righteously and Fairly (Ezra 9:15, Romans 2:2)
Principle 5 Our Eternal Rewards Will Be Based Upon His Judgments ACCOUNTABILITY Principle 5 Our Eternal Rewards Will Be Based Upon His Judgments (I Corinthians 3:14, Matthew 16:27)
Why Be Accountable to Another Person? ACCOUNTABILITY Why Be Accountable to Another Person? Prays, encourages, checks up Lifts you up, sees you restored Intrinsic value, committed to one another Unconditionally accepts you, taste of God’s grace, forgiveness, and unconditional love
Character development Performance standards ACCOUNTABILITY Principles Governing Our Accountability to Another Voluntary Boundaries Character development Performance standards Evaluation time – when, how
Staged in Accountability Attendance Personal Worship Prayer Partners Personal Worship To Leader To Prayer Partner
Staged in Accountability (continued) Teach “Christian Accountability” Wesley’s 21 Questions Teach “Iron Sharpening” Add Bible copy of “Iron Sharpening” Summer Accountability First 20 minutes of discipleship meeting
Personal Worship Accountability with Prayer Partner
“IRON SHARPENING” ENCOUNTER What is the “Iron Sharpening” Encounter? This discipline is based on Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” The idea is believers can help each other grow spiritually with positive encouragement along with honest and loving confrontation about issues that affect our relationship with Christ and other people. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24) by Dr. Charles Lake
“IRON SHARPENIING” ENCOUNTER Proverbs 27:17, Hebrews 10:24, Proverbs 27:5-6 Whatever form the questions take, Accountability is the Key!!
“IRON SHARPENING” ENCOUNTER Personal Worship? Biblical needs of Spouse? How is your Thought Life? Steward of Time, Talent, Resources, Relationships, Truth?
“IRON SHARPENING” ENCOUNTER Responded by Sharing Your Faith? Work as though you are working for The Lord? Spiritual Battlefields? Spiritual “Achilles Heel”? Have you been Honest?
ACCOUNTABILITY REFERENCES John Musselman Classic Discipleship Workshop The Jackson Institute Paul David Tripp Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands Kelly Talamo Kelly Talamo Coaching, Men Step Up Lee Ellis Leadership Freedom, LLC Dr. Charles Lake Growth Ministries