Defenders of the Faith: 19 th Century Presbyterians & others. CHURCH HISTORY II Lesson 31
Revivalists groups:Methodist Frontier Presbyterians & Baptists New England New Divinity “New Haven Theology”Nathaniel Taylor “Human depravity and regeneration by the Spirit of God were reconciled with free moral agency and moralized and confused beyond recognition. Such Calvinism was not very objectionable, but it was also not Calvinism”Joseph Haroutunian Loss of Harvard 1805 Andover Theological Seminary 1809
I. Mercersburg Theology John W Nevin ( ) Philip Schaff ( ) The Anxious Bench The Magisterial Presence History of the Christian Church 8 Vols. Creeds of Christendom Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers
II. Baptist Theology III. Presbyterian Theology Nathaniel Taylor ( ) New SchoolOld School Tennants Log College Princeton Theological Seminary College of New Jersey “…The corruption of human nature and the incompetency of natural man to do any thing that is spiritually or morally good. The everlasting love of God to his people. The doctrine of eternal election. The covenant of grace. Particular redemption. Justification before God by the righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed. Pardon and reconciliation through his blood. Regeneration and sanctification by the influence and operation of the Holy Ghost. The final perseverance of the saints in grace.”
Archibald Alexander ( ) 1788 Converted 1790 Appointed ‘exhorter’ 1791 Licensed to preach 1794 Teaching Hampton-Sydney 1806 Pastor 3 rd Pres Ch, Philadelphia 1812 First President of Princeton Seminary “Thoughts on Religious Experience”
Charles Hodge ( ) 1812 Entered College of New Jersey 1816 Graduated and entered seminary 1822 Prof of Biblical & Oriental literature Writings: 1835 Commentary of Romans 1856&57 Corinthians 1871 Systematic Theology
Southern Presbyterians Union Seminary R. L. Dabney
Columbia Seminary James Henley Thornwell Benjamin M. Palmer John Girardeau
Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield Confessional Tradition 2. Scholarly Tradition 3. An informed interaction with culture 4. Concern for personal piety