Transition from Good to Great: Career Survival Facilitator: Lt. Aaron Goldstein Facilitator: Lt. Aaron Goldstein City of Fond du Lac Police Department City of Fond du Lac Police Department February 22, 2008 February 22, 2008
Transition from Good to Great: Background Unified Tactics Coordinator and Instructor Field Training Co- coordinator SROVT Coordinator Part-time Director Criminal Justice program
Transition from GOOD to GREAT VISION Expand new hire assessment center to include ethical dilemmas Expand new hire assessment center to include ethical dilemmas Develop ethical dilemma scenario – based evaluations Develop ethical dilemma scenario – based evaluations “Ethics is a code of values which guide our choices and actions and determine the purpose and course of our lives.” “Ethics is a code of values which guide our choices and actions and determine the purpose and course of our lives.” –Ayn Rand, Russian/American novelist and philosopher
Transition from GOOD to GREAT VISION Why??? Why??? –Keeps us out of law suits –Insures employee retention –Reduces stress/ improves health In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.” In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.” — Immanuel Kant, 18th century Prussian geographer and philosopher
Transition from GOOD to GREAT First who…Then What Buy – in from the top down Buy – in from the top down Buy – in from Field Training Officers Buy – in from Field Training Officers Starts before the new officer enters the door Starts before the new officer enters the door Attempt to get the right people on the bus…then put them in the right seats Attempt to get the right people on the bus…then put them in the right seats
Transition from GOOD to GREAT Confront the Brutal Facts We may need to develop a better selection process for our new officers We may need to develop a better selection process for our new officers Professionalism must be instilled and reinforced throughout an officer’s entire career (recruitment through retirement) Professionalism must be instilled and reinforced throughout an officer’s entire career (recruitment through retirement) Enhance the organizational ethical climate and culture by raising the standards of employment Enhance the organizational ethical climate and culture by raising the standards of employment Bottom line: The Code of Ethics must become meaningful Bottom line: The Code of Ethics must become meaningful “ We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.” “ We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
Transition from GOOD to GREAT Culture of Discipline Understand the integral part ethics plays in our department, why it is important, and the ethical implications of your decision making. Understand the integral part ethics plays in our department, why it is important, and the ethical implications of your decision making. Create an early impression that a higher standard exists for officers that requires ethical guidelines to assist in making decisions. Create an early impression that a higher standard exists for officers that requires ethical guidelines to assist in making decisions.
Transition from GOOD to GREAT Built to Last What qualities and attributes caused us to select that candidate as our new officer? What qualities and attributes caused us to select that candidate as our new officer? –Have an attitude that is favorable to strive for his/her ethical peak –“Position of Advantage” Position is a place, an attitude, or a condition Advantage is a condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means that is particularly favorable to success (desired end or benefit)
Transition from GOOD to GREAT Team Project: Case Studies Team 1: Discretion Team 1: Discretion Team 2: Theft Team 2: Theft Team 3: Omission Team 3: Omission Team 4: Cheating Team 4: Cheating Team 5: Loyalty Team 5: Loyalty Team 6: Leadership Team 6: Leadership Challenge – scenario must be based on non-law enforcement situations a new hire may have encountered Challenge – scenario must be based on non-law enforcement situations a new hire may have encountered
Transition from Good to Great: Career Survival Facilitator: Lt. Aaron Goldstein Facilitator: Lt. Aaron Goldstein City of Fond du Lac Police Department City of Fond du Lac Police Department February 22, 2008 February 22, 2008