MISS SPRINGBORN TEAM 6 VOCABULARY NOTES American Revolution Vocabulary Notes
militia Teacher Explanation: the volunteers that made up the continental army, mostly untrained men
repeal Teacher Explanation: to take back, when the king decided to take back some of the laws he had passed
smuggle Teacher Explanation: to illegally bring goods into or out of the country, merchants were trying to avoid British taxes
minutemen Teacher Explanation: brave men who volunteered to fight the British when threatened, not part of the trained army
redcoats Teacher Explanation: nickname given to the British because of their red uniforms, made them easy to see in battle
Guerilla warfare Teacher Explanation: new battle technique used by the Americans, learned from the Natives, involved hiding/surprising the British
Line formation fighting Teacher Explanation: The line by line formal fighting style of the British, was no match for the guerilla techniques of the Americans
Independence Teacher Explanation: The goal of the American Colonists, to become separate from Britain and rule over themselves
Grievance Teacher Explanation: All the complaints we had against the King and England about taxes and laws
Continental Army Teacher Explanation: The name for the American army during the Revolutionary war