Early Help Arrangements Incorporating Turnaround
What Are Early Help Arrangements? The collective terminology for delivering the ‘Early Help Offer’ from each partner In order that organisations and practitioners collaborate effectively, it is vital that every individual working with children and families is aware of the role that they have to play and the role of other professionals. In addition, effective safeguarding requires clear local arrangements for collaboration between professionals and agencies
Early Help Offer The Early Help ‘Offer’ is about delivering a set of agreed arrangements across the Children’s Trust partnership to co-ordinate and provide a range of services that will improve outcomes for children and young people. We will do this through commissioning, signposting and directly delivering services.
Turnaround Part of a national programme Criteria – asb, crime, school attendance, work What works: dedicated worker; practical hands on support; persistent, assertive challenging approach; considering the family as a whole; common purpose and agreed action Model: dedicated workers; services contribute; newly commissioned services
Key messages Shared ownership across the Children’s Trust Early Help Arrangements: Making best use of partners to deliver ‘The Offer’ Subject to joint inspection arrangements Key drivers will be Giving the right help to the child/family at the right time. Tackling issues at the earliest opportunity Having clear thresholds for action which are understood by all professionals, and applied consistently Management of escalation/de-escalation Considering the family as a whole Commissioning appropriate services
The Early Help Commissioning model ... Early Help Partners Early Help Commissioner Set the priorities through multi agency planning and joint commissioning practices Early Help Coordinator Understand the needs across the market and specify the service requirement, developing the market Contracts Officer Secure appropriate services through various procurement methods Monitor and evaluate Services Early Help Brokerage Broker services via referral requests Offer signposting & IAG on local services
The Bournemouth Model
Understanding the Language ! Universal Services – delivery to children, young people and families to access a range of universal and community services/resources available to all Universal plus – a rapid response, when children or young people need additional help Plus partnership – to provide multi-agency, co-ordinated support for children and families where needs are more complex. Support will be based upon an assessment (Common Assessment Framework), and coordinated through the lead professional. “Turnaround” sits here Statutory Services – Children and young people who require statutory intervention or support.
Phase 2 (April – September) Creation of Specialist Family Support Services (SFSS) Implement the commissioning model through the Access to Resources Team Write the Early Intervention and Prevention Strategy Establish Operational and Governance groups; Quarterly Steering Group Meetings Bi Monthly Implementation Group Refresh of the Common Assessment Framework Refresh the Children And Young People’s Plan (CYPP) Understanding of service needs Building the delivery framework
Phase 3 – Go Live !