Famous People in History Elvis Presley Pope John Paul Rosa Parks Mozart Abraham Lincoln Video
Elvis Presley Elvis Presley was born in the year of He was born and raised in Mississippi, USA. Presley is famous for being an outstanding musician. He passed away in the year of Presley is referred to as “The King of Rock”.
Pope John Paul Pope John Paul was born in the year of He was born and raised in Poland. John Paul became the Pope of the Catholic church. He passed away in Many people don’t know that Pope John Paul was shot during his term.
Rosa Parks Rosa Parks was born in She was born and raised in Alabama, USA. Parks was a civil rights activist. She passed away in the year of 2005 Parks was the first female to participate in the civil rights movement.
Abraham Lincoln Lincoln was born in the year of As a young child he grew up in Harden Kentucky. He became the 16 th president of the United States. He was shot and killed in the year of Something that people might not know is that Lincoln helped bring slavery to an end.
Mozart Mozart was born in 1756 He was raised in Germany. Mozart lived a short life passing away in His occupation was being a composer. Something that many people do not know is that Mozart composed over 600 songs.
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