ElVis Features & Animations Michael Shmulevich PPPL Summer High School Intern Mentor – Eliot Feibush August 14, 2008
Scientific Graphics
3 Data Monitoring Integrated with Job Monitoring
Web Services
ElVis Software Package Display program – 45,000 lines of Java code – 300 classes – Summer ’08: Over 200 updates to the code Application Programming Interface (API) – Fortran – C/C++ – Java
Animation For Simulations Fusion simulations produce visualizations that occur one step at a time. Provides a way for all these simulations to be able to put their sequence of images together into a movie file. Applicable to other fields.
Jpeg Images to Movie Conversion Converts a sequence of JPEG images to a QuickTime Movie file using JMF. Provides users the ability to specify an input directory containing JPEG images, an output directory for the.mov file, and a frame rate for the video. Modified Sun’s pre-existing code to handle directories, automatically detect width and height of the images, default to certain values if the user does not specify them, and a help screen.
Jpeg Images to Movie Conversion Advantages: portable light weight program for creating movies out of images, image quality is comparable or better than Microsoft Windows Movie Maker. Eliminates copying images to a Windows machine from the simulation cluster. GTC, GYRO, SWIM, CPES
Jpeg Images to Movie Conversion Movies generated using ElVis plots can be found here: w3.pppl.gov/elvis/movies Launch Plasma Movie (frame rate of 50) Launch Plasma Movie Made from 2,000 image files from the Plasma Edge fusion simulation project. Command line interface to be able to use through scripts
3D Indexed Color Maps ElVis was set up to plot these types of graphs without checking for width, height, and negative scaling values. Set up default conditions and checks for negative numbers. Launch PsiRZ Movie PsiRZ.cdf
Setting Decimal Precision Upon NSTX user request, provides the ability to control the amount of significant figures in a label. Reduce clutter of too many decimal points. (Default is now 3) Sets the amount of places after the decimal point. Makes use of Java’s NumberFormat Class. Launch Decimal Precision Demo
Animate By Crosshair Crosshair is a way to interactively explore the data. Upon NSTX user request, provide option to turn off animate by crosshair. TRANSP Data Prep Web Service Launch Animate By Crosshair Demo Launch Crosshair Without Animation Demo
Marker Count Designed a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to allow the user to show points and set a marker count. Necessary when a graph has a large amount of points preventing the user to distinguish between points. Motivated by Ben Bariteau’s API. Eric Zatz integrated marker counting with EML (ElVis Markup Language). In effect, a three part project.
Marker Count Show Points Off Original Graph Show Points On Marker Skip Count: 0 Show Points On Marker Skip Count: 70
Templates Each template has a presentation style attribute. Templates in ElVis are saved in XML format. Completed the functionality of presentation styles.
Saving Legend Attributes Legend attributes specified in GraphEditor are saved to the template file. These include attributes for the legend, the outline, expanding the graph to its full width, and filling the legend.
Presentation Styles ElVis would replot graphs without remembering the graph’s presentation style. – (would always revert to Animated) Fix: Save the current presentation style to a variable, and apply it once the graph is replotted.
Presentation Styles Demo Launch Presentation Styles Demo
Exponent Labels When a graph is resized to a small size, and it contains exponents as tick mark labels, the values get jumbled. BeforeAfter
Exponent Labels Approach: Exp label begins at pixel Label Exp 0 Y X
Themes Themes are saved to a preferences file. “settings.props” saved in your ElVis directory. (located inside your home directory) Automatically loads the last theme used when ElVis starts.
Clearing Clear Row, Clear Column, Clear Cell, and Clear All features created. Graph Panel Vector contains plot data. Based on the Row/Column coordinate of a selected graph I can determine which element of the vector to clear. Invoked use of the getBorderSelected function to determine coordinates of the selected graph.
Clearing Demo Launch Clearing Demo
Deleting Delete Row and Delete Column functions have been implemented. Same algorithm as with clearing; however, deleting requires removing panels from the GraphPanel vector. Problem Encountered: I was unaware that when removing a panel from the GraphPanel vector, it is necessary to validate the container afterwards.
Deleting Demo Launch Deleting Demo
The ElVis Tutorials In order for users to gain an understanding of how to use the features of ElVis, it is essential to have tutorials. Created using free open source screen & audio recording software called CamStudio (for Windows). Deleting Tutorial
What I’ve Learned Prior knowledge: C++ Action and Object Oriented Programming, HTML ElVis is coded in Java. This internship familiarized me with Java SDK and the Eclipse IDE. (Swing & Graphics2D) Team Development Environment
What I’ve Learned Different operating system file systems are structured in different ways. Different OS’s have different looks and feels in Java. Necessary to make code OS friendly. I’ve furthered my knowledge and understanding of Linux and Mac OS X.
Acknowledgements Eliot Feibush – Mentor PPPL Science Education Program: – Andrew Zwicker, Christine Ritter, James Morgan Princeton Plasma Physics Lab ElVis Army (Eric Zatz, Matt Milano, Ben Bariteau)
Ben – API, EML Mike Movie Making User Enhancements Tutorials Eric Zatz -CPPG summer undergrad ElVis Mark-Up Language Matt System & Services Eliot - Mentor Doug – Mentor CPPG Group Head