Discrimination in the workplace: Philip and India
Racism Statute Law- Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) Case Law- ZG v Director General, NSW Department of Education and Training (2006)- mistreatment in school – reconfirmed duty of a school to it’s students. Media reports: Racial discrimination complaints on the rise, ABC News, 16/02/11
Sexism Statue Law: Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) Case Law: Mayer v Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation [2003] – discrimination with maternity leave and dismissed. Evans v National Crime Authority [2003] – employer not renewing contract as Evans took leave to care for her son. Stats: 22% of survey have been victims of sexual harassment 1 in 3 woman have experienced sexual harassment Media Reports: High sex discrimination rates continue in NT, ABC News, 21/10/09
Physical Disability Statute Law: Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) Case Law: Waters v Public Transport Corporation [1991] – intention of motive to discriminate. Disabled people could not ‘scratch’ their ticket when entering, after removal of conductors to help. Appeal allowed. Stats: 1 in 5 australians has a disability in 2009 Of those with a disability, 87% has a specific limitation or restriction that may be associated with schooling or employment
Age Discrimination Statute Law: Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth) Case Law: Qantas Airways Ltd v Christie (1998) This case highlighted the way in which Australian jurisprudence in this area had lagged in development behind that of the United States Statistics: Australia has the lowest workforce participation rate for the over-55s of all English-speaking Over 13, 000 reported cases related to age discrimination in 2010.
Equal Employment Opportunity Statute Law: Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act 1986 (Cth) Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth) Statistics: 40% of woman in NSW work full time. Media Reports: UOW’s annual Diversity Week- promotes diversity and equality in workforce, through large media coverage.
Equal Pay Statute: Equal Pay for Equal Work Case (1969) Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value Case (1972) Case: Barber v NCR (Manufacturing) Ltd, [1993] IRLR 95, Employment Appeals Tribunal- Statistics: Over 1, 300 reported cases related to unequal pay. Media Reports: Equal pay case could cost NSW $1b- Sean Nicholls Sydney Morning Herald.