Venus/ Aphrodite By: Gail Howard and Shelby Berg
What does she control? She is the goddess of love and seduction.
Her History Stories say that she was born when she rose from the sea foam of Cyprus. But others also say that she was the daughter of Zeus and Dione.
Her History Her main story is that she rose from the foam of the waves of the sea, enchanting anyone who sees her and inciting feelings of love and lust wherever she goes.
Her History She was one contender in the story of the Golden Apples, when Paris chooses her as the fairest of the three goddesses Aphrodite decided to "reward" him for giving her the Golden Apple by giving him the love of Helen from Troy, something that was a mixed blessing that led to the Trojan War.
Symbols Dolphin, rose, scallop shell, dove, sparrow, girdle, myrtle, swan, and mirror. Aphrodite’s Girdle
Family and Relations Aphrodite’s parents are Zeus and Dione. Her siblings are the tree nymphs, furies, and the giantes. Her husband is Hephaestus, the lame smith-gold. She also fooled around with Ares the god of war. Her children include Eros, Phobos, Deminos, Harmonia, Pathos, Anters, Himeros, Emaphroditos, Rhode, Eryx, Peitho, Tyche, Eunomia, the Graces(3 girls), Priapus, and Aeneas. Hephaestus
Zeus Parents Dione
Children Eros Phobos Deminos, Harmonia Anters Emaphroditos Rhode Eryx Himeros Tyche Peitho the Graces Priapus Aeneas
Aphrodite’s City Her city is Cyprus which is also the location of her designated rocks. This is also the area that she was supposedly made from foam. Her rocks lay in the sea that is near to the area.
Demeter By, Rebecca & Ashley
Goddess of the Bountiful Harvest and the Nurturing Spirit Demeter is the goddess of fertility grain and agriculture. Although she is the goddess who taught mankind about agriculture, she is also the goddess for responsible for creating winter and a mystery religious cult.
Sacred Items Snakes were symbols of this Goddess as her chariot was pulled by two winged serpents. Lions, snakes, cranes, and lizards were also her sacred animals.
Sacred Items Pearls, star sapphire, silver, ivory, emerald, sardonyx, carnelian, amber, mercury, and copper were her sacred rocks.
Roman Name The Roman name for Demeter is Ceres.
Demeter’s Family Demeter as the sister of Zeus and the mother of Persephone.
Demeter’s Story In Greek mythology the goddess Demeter was the most generous of the great Olympian goddesses. The Greek goddess Demeter was beloved for her service to mankind in giving them the gift of the harvest, the reward for cultivation of the soil.
Demeter’s Story Also known as the Roman goddess Ceres, Demeter was the goddess of the harvest and was credited with teaching humans how to grow, preserve, and prepare grain. Demeter was thought to be responsible for the fertility of the land.
Sacred Plants Wheat, Barley, Mint and the Poppy were sacred to Demeter.
Sacred Cities She Rules Attika in Greece; Messenia in Greece; Enna in Sicily
Sacred Objects Wheat-ears; Winged-serpent; Cornucopia (horn- of-plenty) She carries her horn and her wheat around.
Dionysus Abby Dufloth and Leo Holman
Who is Dionysus Dionysus is the god of: Wine Agriculture Fertility of Nature Patron of Theater
Back Story Dionysus didn’t start out as a Greek god at all, he started out as a cult in northern Greece. When he came to surface most city-states rejected him because of the drunken rituals, but eventually he gained so many followers that he had to been accepted into the Greek culture.
Story Dionysus’ story tell that Zeus impregnated a mortal woman named Semele, Hera, who was Zues’ wife, heard rumors of this and posed as Semele’s nurse. Hera asked Semele who the father of her child was, Semele told her the father was Zeus. Hera did not believe her, and told her to prove it true by summoning Zeus in all his glory, so Semele called for him. Zeus arrived, and he being the lightning god, and Semle being a mortal, Semele was turned to ash.
Story Zeus managed to save the fetus, and (without telling Hera) cut open his thigh, placed the fetus inside. He then, several months later he opened his thigh and pulled from it a newborn baby. He disguised Dionysus as a girl and sent him to live with his sister, the daughter of Semele, Hera found out several years later and drove Dionysus, Ino, Ino’s husband and a few others insane. Dionysus journeyed around starting parties and such, until coming back from one of his trips, he met his grandmother, who cured of him of his madness.
Relationships He is the son of Semele, a mortal women, and Zeus. His wife was Ariadne, a Cretan princess who assisted Theseus defeat the Minotaur only to be abandoned by on the shores of Naxos, an island favored by Dionysus. His children where Oenopion and Staphylos, who where also associated with grapes and wine making.
Facts Dionysus’ Roman name is Bacchus. Dionysus has many different names, some are The Wild Man and The Wanderer. His weapon is a staff. The snake is an animal in relation to Dionysus. Some plants in relation to Dionysus is ivy vines and grapes.
Hermes By Jacob Servaty and Justice Hansen
Godly Relationships Hermes is the son of Zeus and the daughter of Maia who was one of the daughters of Atlas. Hermes is the messenger of the gods. He was born in a cave on Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. Hermes children are Autolycus, Pan, Myrtilus, Priapus and Hermaphroditus.
Hermes Symbols He’s the god of shepherds, travels, merchants, and even thieves. He didn’t have a temple, he just had random statues everywhere. He is also known because of wings on his heels. He created the Lyre and uses in music to enchant other gods and monsters.
Hermes Staff His staff was called kerykerion in Greek, and caduceus in Latin.
Godly Names Hermes is his Greek name. Mercury is his Roman name.
A Myth of Hermes Hermes is the herald of the gods and also leads human souls into and occasionally out of the underworld. Zeus had used him as a troubleshooter and secret-agent type, dispatching him to take care of assorted problems.
A Myth of Hermes Continued Hermes also arranged for Odysseus to slip away from Callisto, among many other tasks.
The God Poseidon By Kiefer Goldberg & Jordon Penn
Poseidon The universe was split into deferent parts, The Sky, The Underworld, and The Sea and Poseidon was the ruler of The Sea.
Poseidon is associated with… Poseidon is one of the three supreme Gods of Mount Olympus. He stomps his foot, or he hits the earth with his trident, to make an earthquake. His trident a three-pronged spear that is his main weapon. Poseidon often the shape of a horse.
Symbols That Represent Poseidon The Trident- This is his most famous symbol because he always carries it around with him. Dolphins- Some times when he travels, he would be fallowed by a group of dolphins.
Relationships & Name Poseidon was similar to his brother Zeus in exerting his power on women and in objectifying masculinity. He had many love affairs and fathered many children, some include: Triton, Eumolpus, The Giant Sinis, Polyphemus, Orion, Theseus, King Amycus, Proteus, Agenor and Belus from Europa, Pelias, and Busiris, the King of Egypt. He also had a winged horse baby with Medusa, Pegasus. He was a very busy man His Roman name is Neptune
The Myth of Poseidon It is said that when ever there is a sea storm, and ship wreck, it is Poseidon expressing his rage.
Fun Facts Poseidon is The Little Mermaid’s grandpa! He is her grandfather because he fathered Triton, who is Ariel’s father, who became king of the mer-people.
Diana Dana&Drevon
Diana was the Daughter of Jupiter and Latona Twin sister of Apollo, God of the sun. She was born on the island of Delos Equivalent of Greek god Artemis.
She was originally a goddess of nature. She was later identified with the Greek goddess Artemis, under the influence of the Greek colonies established in Southern Italy, that’s how she also became the goddess of hunt. She was considered a protector of the weak and the slaves turned to her for help.
One of the stories says that Artemis (or the Roman goddess Diana) took Hippolytus, son of Theseus, after he was brought to life again by Asclepios, and brought it to Italy, at her temple in Aricia, where he became her priest, under the name Virbius (he who lived twice).
in the Romanian language, the Latin name of the Roman goddess Diana became the word “zana”, which means “fairy”.
Dianic Wicca, a largely feminist form of the practice, is named for her. Diana was known to be the virgin goddess and looked after virgins and women. She was one of the three maiden goddesses, Diana, Minerva and Vesta, who swore never to marry.
Along with her main attributes, Diana was an emblem of chastity. Oak groves were especially sacred to her.
The Romans later associated Diana with Selene, the Greek goddess of the Moon. (From Selene we get the metal Selenium, the electrical conductivity of which varies with the intensity of the light, like the changing Moon.) Selene was the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, sister of Helios the Sun and Eos the Dawn. Unlike Diana, Selene was not known for her chastity.
Hera Goddess of Marriage Kellie Morford Kennedy VanOurkerk
Hera is the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Said to be the most beautiful of all goddesses, even more beautiful than Aphrodite. She protected married women and was the queen of all gods. Hera is the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Said to be the most beautiful of all goddesses, even more beautiful than Aphrodite. She protected married women and was the queen of all gods.
Hera’s animals are the cow and the peacock. She had a pet peacock, who traveled with her a lot.
Juno is her Roman name. Hera is her Greek name.
Relationships Zeus and Hera meet under interesting circumstances one night. Hera was not responding to Zeus’s attempts to seduce her so he resorted to trickery that appealed to Hera's nurturing side. It was winter and Zeus turned himself into a cuckoo that appeared to be frozen from the cold. Hera, feeling sorry for the bird turned to her motherly instincts as she held the bird tightly to her chest to warm it.
Relationships Zeus then turned himself back into his normal shape and took advantage of the surprised state Hera was in. Unable to fight him off, Hera was raped and then persuaded to marry him to cover her shame. This is only one of the many tales regarding how Hera and Zeus got married.
Relationships Zeus was not only Hera's husband, but also her sibling, along with Hestia, Demeter, Hades, and Poseidon. Hera was Zeus’s main wife. They had a honeymoon for 300 years.
Relationships She became very jealous of Zeus being with other women and ruined all their lives. To make Zeus jealous she conceived and delivering a child by herself to prove to Zeus she really didn’t need him. But the child was so ugly that she sent him to live with mortals.
Argos and Salmos are were Hera’s main and largest temples are.
By: Rabecca L. and Natalie R.
When Hera discovered that Leto (Apollo’s mother) was pregnant by Zeus, she was furious. Hera forbid Leto from giving birth on any land or island which forced Leto to wander the earth for many months searching for a place to give birth. She finally found the floating island of Delos where she gave birth to first, Artemis, the twin of Apollo, and with the help of Artemis as a mid-wife gave birth to Apollo soon after.
Apollo’s symbols include Apollo’s symbols include -The sun itself -The Lyre- A stringed instrument similar to a harp. -The Bow -The Chariot-He drives across the sky daily, during the sunrise. He got his chariot from an earlier pre-Greek Sun god, Helios
Apollo had many lovers. – Cassandra- She refused to love him so he cursed her. – Calliope- Gave birth to Apollo’s son Orpheus. – Coronis- Gave birth to Apollo’s son asklepios. – Daphne- A Nymph who ran from Apollo. – And many others not to be mentioned
Vulcan Jacob Capp Jessica Peterson
In Greece he was known as Vulcan. He was named Hephaestus in Roman.
His parents were Hera and Zeus. Although it is said that Hera had Vulcan on her own as payback to Zeus for having Athena.
Its said in some versions that Aphrodite was his wife.
When Vulcan was born, he was born lame, crippled and weak. Hera thought he was ugly and threw him off the top of Mount Olympus. Its said he fell for 1 full day and landed in the sea on the island of Lemnos.
His favorite place is on the island of Lemnos. His temples are usually outside of the cities. His workshop is under the volcano of mountain of Etna.
It is also said that in his workshop he had maidens that he made himself out of gold that helped him out in his work.
He is the God of volcanoes, manufacturing, blacksmithing, fire, and he was also the ugliest and nicest of the gods.
Zeus The Greek God & Jupiter the roman god By: Vint Furnis And Joshua S.
The Father of gods and men Zeus was the father of gods and men according to ancient Greek writings. It is said he ruled the Olympians of Mount Olympus as a father ruled the household. Zeus assigned the gods their roles.
The God of sky and thunder Zeus was the son of Cronus and Rhea. He had five siblings. All five were devoured by his father. Zeus was hidden by his mother and raised by a goat and Gaia, several soldiers clashed shields and spears so that the baby’s cries would not be heard.
Becoming King of Gods Once reaching manhood zeus cut open his fathers stomach. Thus saving his siblings. Then he released his uncles from their prison. In return they gave him thunder, and lightning. Then together with his siblings he over through the titans.
Division of earth After the fight against the titans he and his brothers split the rule over the earth. Zeus got the sky and air, poseiden got the seas, and Hades got the underworld. The land was devided among the three.
Symbols Greek Symbols of Zeus include: the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and the oak tree.
Relationships He had Relationships with: Hera, Aega, Ananke, Demeter, Dione, Thalassa, Eos, Eris, Leto, Maia, Metis, Mnemosyne, Persephone, Selene, Themis, Aegina, Alcmene, Antiope, Callisto, Carme, Danae, Elara, Electra, Europa, Eurynome, Himalia, Iodame, Io, Lamia, Laodamia, Leda, Maera, Niobe, Olympias, Othreis, Plouto, Podarge, Pyrrha,Semele, Tagete, Thalia.
Athena By: Kiarah and June
Family things Athena’s dad is the God Zeus, and her mother was the Goddess Metis, who is the Goddess of Wisdom. Athena’s dad had swallowed Metis’ body when she was pregnant with Athena as to stop their threatening son from being conceived. Athena’s dad believed that if they were to have a son, he would become a threat and try to over- throw him as king of the 12 Gods.
How She Was Born It is told that he swallowed his pregnant first wife, Metis, meaning wisdom, so that she would not bear a child stronger than he. In some versions of the story, Athena's birth was assisted by Hephaestus, who opened Zeus's head with a stroke of his axe. This suggests two possible interpretations and make people ask two questions. Was Zeus demonstrating his power by giving birth without a woman's help, or was he sharing his power with his daughter? It is said that Hephaestus had split his father’s head open because Zeus had cried out in agony as Metis pounded the helmet that Athena would exit her father’s head in. After the strike of the axe among Zeus’ head, Athena exited his head fully grown, and wearing the helmet and robes that her mother had made her.
Symbols Owl Olive tree Snake Aegis Armor Helmet Spear
Athena’s Colors: The colors associated with Athena, were purple and white.
Athena’s Names: She was known as Athena Pallas. Her Roman name was Minerva.
The Aegis The aegis is a bib-like protective garment made of hide that was associated with Zeus and then Athena. Descriptions vary. For Athena, it is said to have been made of the skin of a monster Athena slew. The aegis is also said to be made of the skin of the goat Amalthea (of cornucopia fame) who suckled Zeus. In the Iliad, a Gorgoneion (Medusa's head) is on the aegis. The aegis may have snakes coming from it. Later, the Gorgoneion was placed on Athena's shield. The aegis may be worn on the diagonal, covering one breast, it can cover both breast and an arm, and it can be a band.
Relationships Hephaistos, God of fire and smithies, tried to make love to Athena, but she repelled and his semen fell on the ground, causing it to become fertilized. Erichthonios was born and Athena claimed him as her own by adopting him after he was born from the ground. Athena raised him, and later he became king of Athens.
Competitions: Arachne, who lived in Maeonia, a region in Lydia about Mount Tmolus in Asia Minor, had gained a high reputation in all Lydian cities for being the best in the art of spinning and weaving wool. She was so famous and good at her work that many came to see, not just her finished works, but also the deft ways by which she accomplished them, for it is very rewarding to watch professionally trained men or women acting upon their material, and it is admirable the dexterity and grace that they may display while creating their works. And since sometimes it seems more profitable to let others believe that there are neither precedents for the wonders they are witnessing, nor other origin than the amazing talent of the author's brain, Arachne felt offended when someone suggested that she was the disciple of Athena, known for having introduced all crafts. And in order to prove her self-sufficiency and independence, she declared that she could compete with the goddess herself and defeat her.
The City: The city is that is associated with Athena is Athens. Athens is a capital in Greece.
The Greek God Ares By Sadie Nelson
Greek and Roman Names. His Greek name was Ares and he was very disliked by many Greeks. He was Known as the son who was born as a result of immaculate conception, because Zeus(his father) believed that Hera used a magical herb to get herself pregnant. His Roman name is Mars, and he was worshipped by Romans because they believe that he is the Father of Romulus and Remus, who were the mythological founders of Rome. Not only was he believed to be their father but was also worshiped because of the Romans love for war. Some other names that people called him were: – Father of victory, Leader of men, Lord of the dance and Ares of the mighty heart.
Greek God of War Ares was know as the god of war because he represented frenzy of battle and bloodlust. Many hated him because he was so filled with bloodlust that could not be appeased, and also because he would fight just to fight. He like to fight up close and personal and everyone else preferred to fight from a distance which gave them another reason to dislike him. Even though he was the God of War he wasn’t a great fighter and often lost to his half sister Athena.
Myths There are many Myths but the most famous is about the Affair Ares had with Aphrodite, who is the goddess of love. Aphrodite was married to Hephaistos. Ares and Aphrodite were caught during one of their rendezvous. This myth is the most famous one about Ares.
Objects Ares is associated with The object that Ares is associated with is the Spear. He is also is associated with the Vulture and Dog.
Children Ares had a daughter named Alcippe who was raped Poseidon’s sons, Ares then Killed him. Cycnus, his son, was thief and would murder people for bones so he could build a temple for his father. Cycnus was killed by Hercules.